Last active 8 years ago
Sure thing, I'll post it as soon as we check it for any bugs ingame. Probably by the end of next week. ;)
So far I've got triggers positioned on squares or market areas in cities. We have a certain type of trucks in our FOB marked as humanitarian aid trucks. When they arrive in the area of a trigger, a script is being run, which spawn some civilians nearby, orders them to get near the truck idle there for a while (I'm going to add some animation to it), and then just go away and despawn, and we get improved relations in the area. We're unloading crates with ACE's bananas just for roleplay, but I'll try to script it into scenario mechanics in the future. :P
Thanks mate, works as a charm. ^^
Hey guys!
As I understand, the hostility option for civilians can change according to player actions, like destroying enemy installations, talking to leaders, or killing civilian population. Is there a function that controls the hostility change? I'm working on a script that would decrease hostility towards BLUFOR when players bring humanitarian aid to civilian populated locations, but I'm not even sure if it's possible without peeking into mod's source code.