

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon May 14 00:51:11 2018
    P Pokey posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    Seems great, except for the fact that I can't order other friendly groups onto their transports anymore, even when I disable VCOM for BLUFOR. They'll get in once, and then later when I try to get them back in their transports they'll all pile in only to get right back out and refuse to get in again. Bummer.

  2. Sun May 13 00:13:31 2018
    P Pokey posted in Mission Templates.

    Any more good ALiVE missions ? Looking to do some more learning. I've learned a lot from AuTigergrad and HeroesandVillainsOS, looking to see what other folks are doing with ALiVE

  3. Sun May 13 00:09:46 2018
    P Pokey posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    VCOM 3.0 is out, anybody mess with it yet?

  4. 7 years ago
    Mon Mar 12 22:15:38 2018

    Jumping in here and saying I'm also experiencing this. Either the commander never assigns objectives and things stay white and yellow, or he will assign objectives initially, but the red objectives eventually turn white.

  5. Sat Nov 18 17:36:24 2017
    P Pokey posted in FOB building and mission help.

    Got another issue here, although not quite an ALiVE issue.

    I'm trying to set up a headless client, but my headless client just will not load the necessary mods. My pathing looks correct, I've removed spaces in mod names, replaced them with underscores, but I still get missing mod errors when the HC starts up and tries to connect. In particular, I see missing ACE and ALiVE errors.

    Here's my HC .bat file, I'm probably making some sort of obvious mistake. Any help would be appreciated!


    Also, if anybody has any insight into how insurgent armed cells are actually generated or reinforced, please let me know. I've got a decent thing going in the mission, just curious about what's happening behind the curtain.

  6. Wed Nov 15 05:33:18 2017
    P Pokey posted in FOB building and mission help.

    Quick update, I did a quick experiment trying to use just custom objective modules, no mil or civ placement. Also fewer units placed overall, was just trying to gain a little more control over the flow of forces across the map, being selective about which custom objective modules got synced and such. Started it this morning and let it cook throughout the day, came home from work and my units did not seem to have moved off the map.

    Before, when the groups were moving off-map, I had free scanning civ and mil placement modules, meaning no specified TAORs or blacklisted areas. No idea if that's the cause, though, just a correlation.

    But I also couldn't really find that many insurgency units. I have civilians being spawned, their roles selected and such. I did see some new installations though. This all sparked a few questions concerning the details about how an asymmetrical commander goes about things -

    What does a civilian being recruited actually look like? If I were to follow one as it happened, what would I see? I know the insurgency doesn't use the normal reinforcement methods of the occupation or invasion commanders, that they replenish their ranks via recruitment. But do all recruited civilians just become single civilian insurgents as indicated in the wiki? And if so, how does the insurgency gain new actual fighting groups and not just civilian insurgents?

  7. Sun Nov 12 19:40:56 2017
    P Pokey posted in FOB building and mission help.

    Hm, well I played for for most of the night last night, never got a single tasking, not even an assault task. Server was running and player was logged in for more than a couple hours

    Good to know the profiles jumping ship is being looked at. Doesn’t quite kill the mission, but definitely leads to a drop in intensity

  8. Sun Nov 12 19:00:01 2017
    P Pokey started the conversation Trigger MACC on.

    Hey guys, just have an idea for a cool way to start my campaign kicking around in my noggin and wanted to put it out there to get a feel for what it would take to pull off.

    The idea is the player starts at night on an aircraft carrier and has to infiltrate the island and destroy/disable some AA emplacements and such in order to enable friendly air power to support the operation. What this means behind the curtain, so to speak, is that I need have the mission start with the MACC paused and then tie its un-pausing to the destruction of several vehicles or objects.

    This just noses me over into a level of difficulty with mission building that I haven't attempted before. I took a look at the script snippets and saw the pausing and un-pausing of modules, but don't know how to tie that to the destruction of objects or vehicles. Is my thinking correct on the strategy? Any ideas how to make it work?

  9. Sun Nov 12 18:31:44 2017
    P Pokey posted in FOB building and mission help.

    Hey guys, thanks for the help so far, everything's running pretty smoothly. Next step, get a headless client running!

    I have noticed an odd thing about the mission though. It seems that after a certain amount of time, lots of AI profiled units start moving off the map and into the great beyond. I looked around at similar issues, and the best reasoning I read out there is that it has something to do with the map index. I'm playing on Altis, however...

    Any thoughts?

    Also, may or may not be appropriate because it's a dev version question, but I was super interested in the strategic tasking, so I downloaded the latest test build and gave it a whirl. It doesn't seem that I'm receiving any tasking, however. I double checked my C2ISTAR module and made sure it's set to automatically generate tasks for me and that it's set to strategic, that my factions are correct (just leaving them vanilla, BLU_F friendly, OPF_F enemy), but no dice. Am I missing something?

  10. Sat Nov 11 20:30:45 2017
    P Pokey posted in Placing of ALiVE Modules.

    In what way would placement affect an assymmetric commander?

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