

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Thu Feb 27 07:18:10 2020
    P Pyth3rEx posted in Mission not loading.

    So here is an 'update'... still dosn't work.. Here are my latest logs if anyone can find something I'd be gratefull.

  2. 5 years ago
    Tue Feb 25 10:05:34 2020
    P Pyth3rEx started the conversation Mission not loading.

    So I'm getting an infinite loading screen issue. I setup the mission and everything worked (mission + base alive modules, no placements). When I added both civilian modules and the VAI I got back to the infinite loading screen. Here are the logs and screenshots of both modules I added.

    PS. sorry but I couldn't upload the .txt and images and it was to big for pastebin so I had to upload it on there.

  3. Sun Aug 25 22:38:50 2019

    Somehow fixed it... really don't know how...

  4. Sat Aug 24 20:48:22 2019
    P Pyth3rEx posted in 3 sided war.

    You can have goverment as opfor (invasion), you as bluefor(invasion/occupation), civies as civies and civies as independents (asymetric). Use a little script to chose if independents switch sides or not.

  5. Sat Aug 24 20:43:05 2019
    P Pyth3rEx posted in how to control spawned civilians?.

    I'd like to understand how you can't reconnect because there is a DLC civilian. Can you confirm that this is the issue? Mabe the mission itself has DLC restriction?

  6. Sat Aug 24 20:35:11 2019
    P Pyth3rEx started the conversation Persistence not restoring on restart.

    So for some unknown reason, persistence dosn't seem to want to come back on server restart. Even tough I exited with 'server save and exit', restart the server, everything is restored to mission start. Find attached logs RPT as unbinned mission.sqm


  7. Wed Aug 21 20:34:41 2019
    P Pyth3rEx started the conversation Error spammed in server RPT.

    Hey, so I have this error being looped to infinity on my server's RPT and players stuck in infinite loading. Any idea on how I may fix that?

    File \x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_hashGet.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_..., line 1912
    ALiVE ATO L ALiVE Modules:35 waiting for OPCOM L ALiVE Modules:29
    ALiVE ATO L ALiVE Modules:36 waiting for OPCOM L ALiVE Modules:30
    Error in expression <!(isnil "_result") then {_result} else {nil};>
       Error position: <nil};>
       Error Undefined behavior: waitUntil returned nil. True or false expected.
  8. Tue Jun 25 00:59:38 2019
    P Pyth3rEx posted in TvTvT Assymetric competitive?.

    I'm really confused on what you are asking

  9. Mon Jun 24 21:16:46 2019
    P Pyth3rEx started the conversation [WAR ROOM] No stats on group.

    So after battling to get war room persistence up, I'm noticing that our group is not showing on the world map where I placed it and is not displaying our mission's stats. Anyone able to guide me on how/why that might be?

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