

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Wed Aug 8 10:21:44 2018


  2. Wed Aug 8 10:21:32 2018
    G gsg94490 posted in Base building while playing.

    it sounds stupid but i literally cant get the alive menu to come up, ive had to go for R3F logisitcs

  3. Wed Aug 8 05:23:58 2018

    There is a random group of independent that spawn and shoot at each other and everything else for no apparent reason. anyone got any ideas?

  4. Wed Aug 8 02:38:04 2018
    G gsg94490 started the conversation Base building while playing.

    I am building a mission on Fallujah and am wanting the players to push forward into the middle of the map to create Patrol Bases and possibly even FOBs further into the city. I am wondering what kind of scripts i should use and if it is possible?

    an extension to this would be is it possible to create spawn points mid-game?

    Example, the team push into a compound that they wish to fortify. they then use a script to remove items from the back of a vehicle and then place them down. after this they place a flag which now acts as a spawn point ( or if spawning isnt possible a teleport).

    If there is any information on this i would be grateful


  5. 7 years ago
    Tue Dec 12 23:19:26 2017
    G gsg94490 started the conversation Lobby parameter for setting unit count..

    Just as the title says, im trying to find out how to set the unit total count through the lobby.

  6. Tue Dec 12 23:18:25 2017
    G gsg94490 joined the forum.