

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Aug 30 08:51:46 2016
    M mrsurv posted in OPCOM use custom units.

    Everything is working but after a few minutes ;)

  2. Mon Aug 29 21:03:58 2016
    M mrsurv started the conversation Generate task via trigger.

    So I'm working on script that will allow me to generate task from module.
    I dont want to use tablet for this.

    I've read one conversation about autogenerating task and this is what I've got

    in object ini

    this addAction["Assign Task", "tasks.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"]


    task = ["Assassination", "Sabotage", "MilAssault", "DestroyVehicles", "DestroyInfantry"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //returns one of the variables
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [task];
    PAPABEAR = [West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR sideChat "Confirmed. Unit is available for immediate tasking.";
    // hintSilent str ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks; // Debug. Lists selected mission as hint.
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [""];
    PAPABEAR = [West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR sideChat "Confirmed. Unit is unavailable for tasking at this time.";

    So each time I chose "Assign task" from my object action I want C2ISTAR to generate task for me.

    I see I'm missing this part of code that execute generating missions....right?

    Any help please?

  3. Sun Aug 28 13:54:44 2016
    M mrsurv started the conversation OPCOM use custom units.

    So I want OPCOM to use units I've placed to attack civilian objectives.

    I've placed Commander AI module - synch it to millitary civ objective ( TAORS done, placement = objective only)
    Then I've placed one group and synch it to Virtual AI module.

    In game - TACOM gets " no available groups "

    Can't figure what is wrong ;/

  4. Wed Aug 24 14:58:15 2016
    M mrsurv posted in AI spawn errors.

    Last test:

    I thought that maybe my base I created with editor was f*** up spawning so:

    a)Change place of all blufor modules and TAOR on the map
    b)turn off debug
    c)delete ambient civilian placement and TAOR for it

    --> everything works!

    a) Place everything back to previous locations
    b) turn off debug

    --> everything works!

    a) add civilian TAOR and placement module


    Conclusion - civilian placement with his taor was causing problems with blufor units spawn.
    HeroesandvillainsOS - I have read conversation you started and you had similar problems with civilian placement so there is some kind of bug with it.

    I was trying to high populate nearest city.

    Devs should really look at this ;)

  5. Wed Aug 24 13:43:20 2016
    M mrsurv posted in AI spawn errors.

    Ok so it seems more modules I place --> less units I get

    A) I placed custom base with 50 groups spawn, no other placement modules -> got 50 groups

    B)Place custom base, military obj and civ obj

    • > without debug mode -> 4-5 groups
    • > with debug mode -> 56 groups and one motorized ( I checked only light infantry! )

    Also strange group names - I have e0-10 and 20-56 , e10-20 are on OPF_F side ?????

    I really need help with this ;/

  6. Wed Aug 24 11:04:00 2016
    M mrsurv posted in AI spawn errors.

    "All modules was synched with TAOR marker for my side" = I mean all placement modules got TAOR ( not synched by lines ofc :P )

    So as far as I understand I cant place custom module spawning 50 groups and then mil civ placement module with just objectives assigned to one TAOR?
    I need to chose "place units" in mil civ - otherwise groups from custom module are not spawned.

  7. Wed Aug 24 10:45:32 2016
    M mrsurv posted in AI spawn errors.

    Ok i solved the problem I think ....

    1. I desynchronized player unit with Virtual AI
    2. Then placed custom military objective = spawned all 50 groups I wanted
    3. Then placed millitary placement with unit place = Got 43 groups ( dunno why? ), see objective circles - one is my custom base, other one is lighthouse but I dont see any spawned units there ( they should spawn right?)

    Everything seems to be good to this point.
    Later I'm gonna place other modules.

    Before tests I wanted to spawn units only in my custom main base , I've placed other modules but objective only because I wanted OPCOM to capture them with units from my main base - It doesnt seem to work that way?
    All modules was synched with TAOR marker for my side.

  8. Wed Aug 24 09:30:12 2016
    M mrsurv posted in AI spawn errors.

    Ok I run a few tests and Im pretty sure it's some kind of debugger bug (lel)

    Test 1 : military placement without debug - show placements on map, doesnt populate
    Test 2 : military placement with debug - show placement, populate with 4 groups (...)
    Test 3 : custom mil placement with debug - same result like in test 2
    Test 4: custom mil placement without debug - do nothing

    Also I noticed that sometimes OPF-F get extra groups. f.e I have groups number 78-79 and other numbers are in OPF_F side O_o

    Removing ARP2 objects doesnt have any impact on OPCOM behaviour.

  9. Wed Aug 24 04:49:55 2016
    M mrsurv started the conversation AI spawn errors.

    I've came across annoying problem with AI spawn.

    Run scenario from 3d editor -> everything is ok, AI spawn correctly.

    Placed player combat support connected to player CS art, run scenario -> got error "There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["OPF_F"]", BLU_F dont spawn either but without error msg.

    Double checked all millitary AI, run scenario -> same thing but BLU_F spawn
    Run with modules debug -> everything is ok, all factions spawn correctly
    Run again -> all AI spawns for OPF_F - I mean , I have no info thath BLU_F cant spawn - If I look at the map I see that ALL AI spawned only for OPF_F

    Srsl - any ideas what is wrong?
    Spawning vanilla units.

    Maybe its ARP2 items? Got few on map but everything was ok before.

  10. Tue Aug 23 13:46:02 2016
    M mrsurv joined the forum.