No enemy AI on any Insurgency scenarios

  1. 9 years ago

    Me and my clan been trying to play the Insurgency scenario, like every one there is and we have the same problem. Not enough enemy AI in the maps they offered the game. We tried everything we could imagine. LEt them stand for 10 to even 30 minute to load, from When you come in the map after loading in, to waiting in the base for 10 to 20 minutes at at time and barely any results. We look on every forums and can't find anything on this issue. PLEASE HELP. We can't experience this so called great mod as there is nothing to shoot at.

  2. Friznit

    10 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Which mission are you playing? The mission maker may have set it up so there is very little enemy to begin with and it can take several hours before you'll run into any serious resistance.

    Remember the whole point of a counter insurgency scenario is *not* to have lots of enemy everywhere - they will avoid you and you need to spend a lot of time monitoring civilian movements and patrolling to build an intelligence picture so you can start to locate their HQ's. It's not easy and takes a lot of patience and coordination.

    If you want more shooty shooty, you can set the Mil Placement modules to spawn more AI in a smaller TAOR at mission start, or even just use regular Occupation AI Commander.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by rippah

    I have the same issue we run into medium or big size tows with maybe 2 AI if we are lucky.
    Since im limited on time i wouldnt mind a little more shooty shooty right from the start

    We are running NATO insurgency altis

  4. I'm referring to NATO Insurgency ALiVE but we tried every version there we could find that runs with ALiVE and we get the same results. I totaly understand your point but there is not even any civilian to "monitor". Its like the game start but never finish to load, yet we waited over 30 mins at times just for good measure and still nothing,
    link to version:

  5. Friznit

    11 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Thanks, I will check it out but I suspect this has more to do with the way the mission is set up than anything to do with ALiVE specifically. You may get more luck contacting the mission maker.

    I'll let you know once I've poked under the hood a bit.

  6. Ive did contact him but no replys. This is the reason why i am here. I tried id on single palyer and there is more activity going on then MP. There is definatly something wrong.

  7. Friznit

    11 Apr 2015 Administrator

    I looked at that mission made by Maquez. Technically speaking, ALiVE is working as intended so this is a mission making issue, and not a bug with ALiVE.

    The scenario is set up as a standard 'Occupation' type AI Commander with two companies of enemy spread out across Altis. They are pretty thin on the ground and my guess is the mission maker intends for you to spend quite a lot of time searching for the enemy. Heading to the areas that are flagged as 'Occupied' by the intel feed should help. Note that Intel can take up to 15 mins to start working on dedicated servers (I have no idea why, it's almost instant on single player).

    If you want a more intense scenario for your players it'd be better to reduce the size of the TAOR_Altis marker to a smaller area and/or increase the Force Size in the Mil Placement modules.


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