Edited 9 years ago by Obie

We have 3 modules placed in the editor, (required), data, and player options. Player gear saving is turned on, as well as report to database. Will have RPT and log for you in a moment.

Newest RPT is incredibly bloated, and is too large to put up using pastebin. It is getting significantly spammed with:
2015/04/16, 19:08:54 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_parseJSON.sqf, line 111
2015/04/16, 19:08:54 Error in expression <{
private ["_char"];
_char = _charArray select _pos;
switch (_char) do {
case 12>
2015/04/16, 19:08:54 Error position: <select _pos;
switch (_char) do {
case 12>
2015/04/16, 19:08:54 Error Zero divisor