Edited 9 years ago by Sartax

So !

(I can't paste this on pastebin, too heavy)

This is the server RPT just after the save of the mission : https://mega.co.nz/#!K95GBAoR!4P94s66nW0iau3FfSO_QQPzSdHDnUOgeoSj9DssFaUo

This is the server RPT when i'm trying to load the mission : https://mega.co.nz/#!ao4G2IqJ!MyHM8rO0QaGyThMbQLFA64WYWSigEAjjV9ikDiKNwCI

(During the loading, it's been be possible to enter on the server, but the server log continue to being heavier, the loading server rpt heigh is 18Mo)

This is our alive.log : https://mega.co.nz/#!a15l0CbK!DvoFfWbgXpf7Gsf4wei2Ah8F8t7J1QEqyVUEKWuRSjQ

(I forget to active the debug of the data module, if you absolutely need this, I will give you that file tomorrow)

And this is our mods : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/24/1433975661-mod.jpg