you have to have the following alive system modules placed somewhere on the map...
Require Alive
virtual AI
then put your markers down and size and place them over the desired territory for blufor and opfor. Name them something like blu_taor_1 and opf_taor_1
Now put down an opcom for both the blufor and opfor
Now put down an ALiVE Military placement (MP) module for each. in the blufor MP module, in the TAOR field, type in your marker name (e.g. blu_taor_1). Now sync it to your blufor OPCOM to give it control and sync it to your opfor OPCOM to let it know it has an objective to go get.
The MP module should look for all military emplacements within your marker and it will place the units you've specified in your module.
Military civilian will put down military in cities and towns within your marker.
If you have a small marker inside a large marker, you can use the blacklist field in your MP or MCP module synced to the large marker to prohibit units from spawning in your small marker....
Recommend playing with it and following the tutorials on youtube.