Mission Tasks

  1. 9 years ago

    I'm trying to add a few static tasks to my mission. Curious if there are existing examples for me to look at. The tasks I'm trying for are:

    • Grab a crate from location A, move it to location B (Hopefully leveraging the player logistics?). Bonus points: debuff player movement speed while it's being carried.
    • Release civilian captives.
    • Destroy a custom military objective. I'm able to add a custom objective, how would I set OPFOR to defend it, and BLUFOR having a task to destroy it?
  2. Destroy a custom military objective. I'm able to add a custom objective, how would I set OPFOR to defend it, and BLUFOR having a task to destroy it?

    I accomplished this via script like:

        campfireHook = nearestObject [getMarkerPos "thefire", "Land_Campfire_burning"];

    "thefire" is a marker that I placed on top of the objective, I then added an objective; linked to a trigger that has the condition:

    !alive campfireHook;

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