AI reluctance to push objectives.

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    TAOR's have little to do with objectives themselves once set. They are just the starting point.

    Check under your mil and civ placement modules for the objective sizes. They can modify the behavior if you're looking at a particular objective on the map and going "why aren't they attacking this?" it could be that the objective you're looking at doesn't fit the criteria.

    Also the AI can be floundering at the start of the game on the west side I've noticed. This could be because of the size of the mil and civ sectors at the start of the game on the west side closest to the east. I notice the CSAT on my map tend to kick ass all over NATO at the start, it's only hours into the game where nato starts to hold and push effectively.

    I've found this to be the case every single start.

    My suggestion: leave it running over night and take a look in the morning for a better idea of how they go longer term.

  2. @Friznit: A fair number of groups spawn at the start, I have the limiter set at 50 with the group sizes set to 60 for each module, so 120 total for each side not including CQB, it's quite a large area that BLUFOR are invading, but there seems to be a lot of units milling around doing nothing in or near their initial spawn area.

    @thefinn: Thanks for the clarification about TAORs, I have it set to populate even the quite small objectives. Would it perhaps be better to set only larger ones, as there'd then be less objectives to focus on and it might produce a more directed push. At the moment it seems like OPFOR dig in and BLUFOR spread over their TAOR and the first 1k or so and then run out of steam.
    I have left it running for a while before and the activity seems to die out after a few hours, turning into the aforementioned glaring contest, so unless BLUFOR are taking more than a day to get going I'm not sure it's just that they start slow.

  3. I think I've got it now, I upped the force sizes to 200 per module and 800 total (I'd erroneously thought that I'd need to keep them low to preserve FPS but it's not an issue) and there's now a lot more activity. Active limit is at 50, would there be any benefit in setting that higher?
    With the auto-task gen issue you solved in the other thread I reckon I have everything sorted, as I'm assuming that the auto-tasks will be focused on objectives that the AI is trying to take and so it'll keep the players involved with the main fight better, this removes the need for FLOT to be really obvious and populated all the time.
    Is that about right?

  4. Friznit

    Show in context Administrator

    Hopefully! If you balance your group numbers and spawn range you shouldn't need to use the rather heavy handed active limiter, but it's a good safety net in case too many AI try to spawn at once. Task Generator should in theory give tasks in support of the AI commander but it can be a little weird. There's a script on the wiki which can jump you straight to whichever objective the AI Commander is attacking - could be used to show the current FLOT with a bit of tweaking maybe.