Playable Units

  1. 9 years ago

    First of all, I love ALiVE and am really enjoying it.

    Okay so I have looked online and haven't been able to find a solution to my problem.

    I play with ACE3 and mostly just play by myself with missions I have made. Because I use ACE3 the medic isn't exactly great controlled by AI so I normally just make everyone in my squad playable and switch between as I need them. However if I call in reinforcements the added players are not playable. Is there a way that I can changed that in anyway?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Depends what you want.
    If you want your medic do his work with ACE 3 there are a script to force unit being a ACE 3 medic.
    If you want to switch units look into your description.ext

    disabledAI Removes all playable units which do not have a human player. (MP) Note: Disabling all the AI units will prevent JIP into playable units disabledAI = false/true

    And look into this post:
    Unit Switching

  3. Thanks, I think that will get me what I want probably on both accounts.


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