Advanced Combat Support Rules/Adjustment?

  1. 8 years ago

    I wanted to try and pair ALiVE with Warlords (a new form of CTI similar to BECTI), removing the Warlords system of obtaining gear, and using ALiVE's Combat Support/Logistic options.

    I am wondering what I would need to pass to the modules to do things like adjust what gear/units a player can request, how they can be delivered, and how much stuff they can get in my scripts. Is there a section on the wiki that has all the scripting functions I can use, or just the "code snippets" page? There aren't enough examples to piece together what I'm trying to do from what I can immediately find on the wiki.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You can probably achieve some of it by overriding the staticData.sqf if you know what you are doing.
    You might also be able to change some of the crate loudouts by using this method but replacing class Man with class ammoboxclassname

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
     class Man {
      init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'my_script.sqf')";

    Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to directly pass on to the module a certain ammobox to drop.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by PillowTalk

    I know how I can change the ammo boxes and units; what I want know is how I can give more CAS/Transport/Artillery respawns based on a trigger, and also have it add new delivery types (Insertion/Paradrop/Convoy) from triggers, as well.

    Example: Player's side starts with just their base and the ability to paradrop basic units or call in supplies via a convoy. After the player's side captures an airport, they would have access to deliver troops/gear via Insertion, as well as gaining access to the CAS support options. If they lose the airport to the enemy, they lose these options for aircraft.

    I would like to do a few other things, too, but this is the most basic need first before the others could even be considered. I am not sure if I can even do what I want, but I don't see why not since I just want to be able to adjust a few variables on the fly. I just don't know the variable names to make the changes.

  4. Ah I see, yeah my reply wasn't even close then :)

  5. GunnyDev

    3 Aug 2015 Administrator

    I will see if I can get the SupportAdd and SupportRemove Functions finished and will document how to use them.

  6. GunnyDev

    4 Aug 2015 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by GunnyDev

    So I've created 2 new functions, will be out possibly in next release after testing.

    Will add CAS or Transport units to be available using the below command:
    ["CAS OR TRANSPORT",[SPAWN POS],Direction, "CLASS","CALLSIGN","CODE","HEIGHT"]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd; examples ["TRANSPORT",[[1849.21,5805.27,0],60,"B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","VICTOR 1","",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd; ["CAS",[[1849.21,5805.27,0],60,"B_Heli_Attack_01_F","Phantom 1","",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd;

    Will remove a CAS or Transport unit from the available units for a specified side using the below command:

    ["SIDE","CAS or TRANSPORT","CALLSIGN"] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportRemove; examples ["WEST","TRANSPORT","VICTOR 1"] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportRemove; ["WEST","CAS","Phantom 1"] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportRemove;

    Cheers Gunny

  7. Whoa, nice. I came back here to ask if just syncing it to an unlock game logic and a trigger would work (in conjunction with something to set the trigger off) and it looks like my question just happened to be about something in development.

    Looks cool. Will definitely be helpful in making a mission with a pre-determined goal and progressive unlocks. :D


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