Active Group Limiter Issues

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    When you have two platoons loaded in, are they both in their separate AO? Obviously two groups in two AO's could cause an issue with quickly hitting the active limiter than one squad could. As with how to best deal with AI counts, Highhead usually recommends keeping it so that you will never have more than ~100 AI spawned in at one time. The active limiter is good at what it does but probably isn't the best solution for limiting the amount of AI in an area, the better route would be to try and better spread/balance out the enemies. And as savage said,

    Interested to hear your thoughts on DAC vs ALiVE once you get things switched over.

  2. When we operate at company levels the platoons are usually within a kilometer of each other for mutual support. The issue we ran into that led me to ask some of these questions, is we encountered ALIVE active units in the early parts of the mission, but when we got closer to one of the town objectives and the CQB/civilian AI kicked in, the active units would not unprofile despite the low numbers of on-server AI.

    In regards to DAC, I was personally getting tired of the formulaic nature of missions designed with DAC, and the test time required for the literal dozens of triggers needed, especially for caching/uncaching different AOs. ALIVE streamlines that beautifully, and when we've had platoon scale engagements performance has been much better. Our only real issue has been threading between two major AOs, activating all of them because our group limiter is set higher than it should, and crashing the server.

    DAC AI sometimes perform better at the individual group level, especially when connected with a headless client and ASR AI, but each group acts independently and can get in each other's way. With ALIVE, the individual fire teams are at times easier to deal with, but we have gotten the sense we are fighting a consolidated enemy presence. It's an interesting change, and one I think is for the better. Once I figure things out, of course. Despite my mistakes, ALIVE has been much easier to pick up for our new editors, mostly due to the fantastic documentation and support, whereas DAC utilizes rough German translations several years out of date.

    Thanks for the answers gents, I'll see what I can do in a new mission.

  3. Playing the mission right now. All but the smallest ALIVE active groups have failed to spawn. I've been turning debug on and off. Now, when I have it on, I have debug on, each of my player groups has a "E0" icon and so forth. We have 14 groups. I also have CQB module on with a pretty large density.

    In testing, things spawned fine. With high playercount... my original problem. The CQB and DAC units are fine. But No ALIVE units. No logistics. Any ideas?

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SovietOnion

    @Savage, I'll look into those easy fixes. But yes, the main issue is that, when testing with say, 14 players, the mission runs as intended. But with our average server load of 50+, no ALiVE units spawn. Thing to note, is that the spawn limiter for that mission WAS at 50. And I think we had at least 48 players.

    @Friznit: Yeah, I've started understanding that and 'hand sculpting' AOs and unit counts. The problem was that that mission only had a handful of active AI units as wild cards, while most of the AI were CQB OR DAC patrols to make sure the combat was centralized.

    It has to be an issue with how groups are perceived (On our end, most likely) because raising the group limiter works. It would certainly explain away our issues, if each player is being considered a group. We do have it set so we can spawn into empty slots during a mission and "JIP" could that be it?

    I realize I'm being a big pain in the rear, but I can provide a copy of our framework if that would help.

  5. 8 years ago

    So, the reason it counts players is because the limiter just does a quick count of all active profiles. Will need a bit of testing to make sure it doesn't cause any performance impact (looping through sometimes 1000's of profiles very frequently..) but otherwise easily dealt with.