Trying to find the best solution. As it stands, I've yet to encounter a single IED when the module is synced to the commander. Last few times playing, had the server running up to 10 hours, they had an initial spawn of 1200 (max) and their spawn area was ~90% of the AO, while the invading commander spawned on a very small area. Asymmetric commander was set to extreme for facilities. There were IED factories all over the map when using the debug view facilities, they had scads of troops from the get go, but still never encountered an IED. Suffice to say, this isn't exactly creating the high risk/tension travel environment I was hoping for. :-) As an aside, would it be possible to include another Asym commander option to set frequency/priority of IED placement?

So, I'm going to try the unsynced module. I've used it before, not ideal since it seems to be town-centric, but at least they're out there. When using this, is the "pool" of IEDs finite? IE, does it spawn a fresh batch each and every time I enter the town, or, once cleared, it's cleared forever? If the latter, is there a means to refresh it during the mission? Then I could just set after X time or X condition it gets reset.

For artillery support, where are the units defined that may be used by the support system? I gather they must be specified somewhere, as using the new mortars and tube artillery in RHS, they appear on the combat support page, but have no options (shell type, spread, etc) and thus cannot be used. I extracted staticData.sqf, added them in all the sections that the M109/2S3 appear, and used the init.sqf method of adding/overwriting staticData.sqf, but it didn't seem to work. However, there was no way to verify that it did indeed add/overwrite anything. I was unable to simply pack it into a new pbo just to confirm/deny this worked, as the internal structure seems to have changed drastically from prior ALIVE versions, and I've no idea what tool to use to repack. PBO manager packs but doesn't run in game, addonbuilder just gives an error message when attempting to pack.

Thanks! Absolutely loving ALIVE. This is easily one of my favorite additions to the game series, going all the way back to OFP.