problems with "force size"

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by SSD

    I don't really understand how the "force size" setting works for military placements. If I set it to 30, it spawns 4 enemies. If I set it to 60, it spawns 8. I'm also having trouble with "force weighting" - setting to "light infantry" spawned all tanks for example.

    What am I doing wrong?

    (units are also spawning outside the TAOR marker but that's a separate issue)

  2. ARJay

    13 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Force size defines how many units will be spawned across all objectives.

    If you want more precise controls use the overrides underneath those two, there you can set how many groups in total you want to be spawned by the placement module in question.

    It will also depend on the faction you are using, as it all comes down to what groups are defined for the faction.

  3. It doesn't seem to do that though - I was testing with only one military placement/TAOR marker and company size (30) and was only getting 2-4 units placed in total. This was with OPF_F vanilla faction. The overrides seem to work OK but the preset force sizes don't seem to want to do what would be expected.

  4. ARJay

    13 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Do you have debug on the Virtual AI module, it will show you where all the groups spawn, they don't always spawn inside the objective.


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