Trace system pvp (SOLVED)

  1. 8 years ago

    So I'm hoping for some details on this. A long time ago I'm sure I mentioned how when in a pvp setting with the trace system on there are issues.

    As an opfor player, if i enter a red grid it will than turn green even if there are hostiles in there. I am not sure if this will show up as green to the blufor players or not and i dont have the ability to test it at this moment but im guessing this is still the case and kind of a deal breaker when it comes to using it in a pvpe setting.

    Any clarification on this?

  2. I'll poke the dev responsible for it

  3. please get back to me asap. thanks savage

  4. Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    From Highhead:

    • moved TRACE System from CQB to C2ISTAR
    • refactored so every side gets their own cleared sectors, and its JIP compatible, plus i can save it to DB easily
    • its persistent during one session but not saved to DB yet.
    • problem with that is CQB saves cleared sectors of 1000x1000 to avoid too much data being saved. So one would need to check against CQB cleared sectors and if the grid is still clear at the beginning of the mission. will do in another update if really needed

    Issue has been fixed in dev version of ALiVE - expect a release soon™

  5. this is absolutely excellent news TYVM!! :D


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