I've added a "rehabilitation area" to my base which has like 6 small military building surrounded by a barbed wire fence and guards, ummm I mean "Protection Officers". The idea is that we arrest insurgents and "detain" them in this facility.

I was thinking I could cover the area with a trigger which repeatably fires every 2 hours and drops their hostility level bit by bit so after say 6-10 hours of reprogramming errrrr I mean rehabilitation they're happy civilians again and are automatically released (or just teleported out?)

Then I realised I have no idea what I'm doing.

Could I just put something like

[getPos trigger1, [side player], -20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;

in the on activation part of the trigger, and then use a second trigger to setCaptive false and release them once they're back to being civilians.

That's a point do they actually swap sides when they become insurgents?