I think I've misunderstood persistence

  1. 8 years ago

    From what I've been reading, it appears someone actually has to save the server state to save objects. Then save himself before leaving. A little like closing the door on the way out. Is there any way to call this function when the last player leaves in a "persistent = 1" config, and same for the player details when a player leaves? ALiVE clearly thought about closing down AI processing when players leave and stopped short in the design there...

    Perhaps i'm asking of too much of the engine, but I don't see why when we can call the save in game, that that the save shouldnt be automated to save the session in the event of a restart and at last player leaving.

    The reason I ask is because to have a fully automated dedicated server you need to manage its reboot. Mine goes off and autolaunches the game and mission right back (actually I suspend it in the early hours but thats another story). So if I reboot a server, the game is forcibly closed down and no save ever took place. AFAIK there is no way of accessing the dedi console to run an execVM to call anything like a save...

    My vision is a 100% JIP, autosaving, auto-restarting server I can leave running without checking it, running a massive campaign, hopefully based on the Alive engine for efficiency. I cannot currently achieve that by having to log in as admin at the end of the evening just to save the game, seems ridiculous.

    With local database as a solution I can save player and unit from code on multiplayer events or on a timer, but I have no ALiVE which uses virtual AI anyway, so the solution taunts me.

    Surely someone must have come here looking for the same Nirvana?

  2. highhead

    Show in context Administrator


    Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback! If I see it right, you want to have an autosave option with adjustable savetime (every x hours), or an option that hooks into the #restart #missions etc. servercommands. Please correct me if I am wrong!

    Thanks mate

  3. Highhead: I would love if you could implement exactly what you posted. An Autosave function, to allow a nightly, or bi-daily save of the server at usual off hours.
    I am the only server administrator for our group's Alive server. If I let it run overnight, or a period of days, it builds a HUGE RPT file due to errors with mods (that don't really affect game play) and/or ARMA errors.

    I had a 3.5 GB!!! RPT this past week for a session where I left the server up just over 4 days. I would just turn off Logs, but they have been instrumental in my learning Server Admin duties, and figuring out where I've screwed up on getting a mission up and running.
