Tanoa Insurgency.

  1. 7 years ago

    So, one of my players built us an Insurgency on Tanoa using Syndikat and FIA-OPF forces as insurgents. We are experiencing tons of action due to their prolifieration and CQB settings, which is great for us.

    One problem we are having though is with destruction of Insurgent Installations. I don't know if anyone else has spotted this, but a good portion of the APEX buildings are non-destructible. They have no ruin versions and will not be destroyed no matter what you use on them.
    This makes it exceedingly hard to conduct effective COIN operations to remove those Installations.
    SOME of the new buildings are destructible, and the island does have some Vanilla A3 buildings that are also destructible.

    Any ideas on how to deal with this? Is Insurgency on Tanoa doomed? Should we be lobbying BIS for ruin versions of all the buildings on Tanoa? Can the ALIVE team put in an option to spawn a destructible item with Insurgent Installations that must be destroyed instead of the building it is in?

    Sad face :(

  2. It's a known issue.. not sure what the fix will be but stay tuned :)


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