Military Commander fails on Dedicated Server

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm not sure where to look, there aren't any messages in the logs and there aren't any SQF or chat output complaints.

    I've been developing my mission the entire time by testing single and listen multiplayer. The mission seems to be working fine running it one of these ways. However as soon as I start it up on a dedicated server I get a kind of behavior that I can't figure out where it's coming from.

    Active on my map are three commanders, one for BLUFOR, OPFOR, and Independent. BLUFOR is occupying while the other two are invading the island. This gives me this kind of result, which is what I would have expected:

    However, starting it up on the dedicated server the majority of the AI doesn't show up on the debug. On top of that, it's not consistent. Sometimes OPFOR doesn't show up, sometimes BLUFOR, sometimes Indepedent. What I end up with is something like this:

    I have absolutely nothing to go off of as far as finding it, there is nothing extra in the error logs and testing it locally it works perfectly fine.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I see Spyder Addons in that rpt. Is it up-to-date? I had to remove the civ interaction module because it was causing this exact issue when other errors were already present. I *think* Spyder may have fixed the error I'm referring to (author is not a value) with the newest version but I'm not sure.

    I also saw this same bahavior on another person's mission that used his civ interaction module along with TFAR and ACE. At the time, I believe it was ACE that had this error and when combined with Spyder Addons, it was causing the initialization to fail periodically and groups to not spawn.

    I have a feeling once you remove these dependencies you will fix this. Then add them back one by one until you reach a point where it's relatively feature complete but it doesn't break again.