Odd issue: OPCOM can't find groups

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    This is a real head-spinner.

    So I updated a mission I released over on BIS forums the other day. It's been playing fine for me and other users over the last few months and I even ran it on my own server a few nights back. A couple days ago, I decided it would be a good idea to add dynamic weather and tinker a bit with the call to prayer from Spyder Addons because why not (famous last words :) )?

    Now suddenly, when I start Arma and open the mission in the editor, OPCOM fails to find groups. BUT, and here's the odd and unique part, when you exit back to the editor and press play again, the mission works just fine. All groups are found. Strange!

    So troubleshooting this, I opened and closed all of the modules which didn't work. I then reversed the changes I made from my update and that didn't work. I then deleted and replaced every ALiVE module and that didn't work either. I then deleted and replaced every ALiVE module, removed everything from my mission file except the mission.sqm, deleted the Binarized Addons section of my mission.sqm and opened and closed everything else (markers, etc) and that didn't work either. Even using OPF_F instead of a modded faction doesn't work either. Neither OPCOM can find groups until I esc and play the mission again.

    I don't expect anyone to be able to solve this for me, but I'd feel wrong not at least starting this thread incase someday someone sees something similar. I'll also update this thread if I make any progress. What makes me pretty confident there isn't a deeper issue going on here is that other missions I've done (and one I released) still work just fine and have the same exact dependencies and features so I'm really not sure what the deal with the one mission is.

    I do have a rpt file though note I use a lot of mods (and the rpt itself is honestly pretty eye opening too because there are quite a few errors I wasn't aware of. Yikes):


    Bad mission: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190913-alive-spcoop-1-8-prophet/

    And it's working identical twin: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192272-alive-spcoop-1-8-inshallah/

    And it's cousin on FATA which uses the same mods aside from the map:

    I'm totally stumped but I'll keep on keeping on. :) If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears though! Honestly, at this stage I'd just rebuild it from scratch (and if I were reading this thread, I'd tell that person to rebuild it from scratch too!) but I hate to have to remake my bases again (ugh) until I've exhausted every other option. I already tried just copy/pasting the mission to a fresh map but for some reason that makes objects float (literally) 10,000 meters above the ground.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah I did. Thanks for the suggestion. I means a lot! The issue detailed here is with the public build unfortunately. I did try the dev build just to see but that makes the mission infinite-load until I crash with unable to init DXGI. :(

    You'd think maybe I just needed to verify my game files or whatnot but the problem was reported to me by another user after I updated it a couple days ago. He also tried changing the faction to vanilla and no dice.

    It's just weird because I was playing this thing on my server I think the night before last?