Edited 8 years ago by Chaosduck7

So I am using TADST . my ALiVE server is always stuck on "Saving please wait"

I left it running for 30 minutes with no luck. So im assuming it doesnt want to save.

I tried it on Sahrani and Al Rayak, same problem.

my server syncs up with the war room just fine. I can see it pop online and it updates all my kills and deaths and stuff. It even says "Welcome Chaosduck7" when I join.

I then tried it with only CBA and ALIVE mods. I made a playable character on altis and set down the alive required, alive player options, alive data and virtual AI system. Then I set down a military commander and civ objective placement and just made a simple nato forces occupation. And it worked. This makes me think its a mod causing the issue but I tried one by one running it without various mods and it still had the same problem. The mission itself does not even have any assets from these mods. So it kinda makes me think something in my alive mission is setup wrong?

Its basically the sahrani map with the whole main island as the TAOR for the SLA, and the small airbase island to the north tasked as a blacklist zone for the players. I have an AI commander for the enemy synced to civ placement, mil placement, logistics and CQC.

I have an AI commander for the BLUFOR team synced to the enemies placement modules, but I do not have blufor spawn modules, as this mission was made for me to play by myself and zeus in units as needed without friendly AI getting in the way.

I also have C2ISTAR for CAS, Arty and heli transport. Everything that has the option has persistance turned on.

The mission also works perfectly fine in LAN.

I have no idea where else to look for the problem.

This is the latest rpt file in my TADST folder. There were multiple ones, so I took the newest dated one.


And this is the log file. Doesnt appear to say much


Mods im using are
3den enhanced
Realistic Tank Crew
Alaska 2035
CUP weapons
Cup units
Cup maps
Cup vehicles
Cup core
Cup ACE3 compatibility addon vehicles
Cup ACE3 compatibility addon weapons
Mission Enhanced Little Bird
G.O.S Al Rayak
DerSilver Blastcore
Isla Duala
Wake Island

But like I said, I already tried disabling most of them with no luck.
