Randomly select TAOR?

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by dev614

    Is there a way I can make my military (civ) placement module randomly select 5 TAORs from a selection of marker names on mission initialization? It would add a good replayability factor and just all around randomness for my mission. I have TAORs defined for muslim African civilians (seperate TAORs for christian African civilians) to spawn, and I'd like my military (civ) module to randomly select five of those TAORs to place Boko Haram units.

    Also, is it possible for there to be two Civilian Population modules for two seperate civilian factions? My goal is to set the muslim African civililian's hostility to high, so they'd be more likely to join the insurgency, and set the christian African civilian's hostility to low, so they're more liable to give me information on nearby insurgents. I doubt it, since I don't see any way to specify which placement module/faction to use in the population module. Doesn't hurt to ask, though.


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