remove objective via trigger

  1. 8 years ago

    Hey ALiVE Team,

    First time here so I want to start off by saying thank you for this mod, you guys have done and continue to do an amazing job!

    What i'm trying to do is remove a specific custom objective from the opposing OPCOM. I made a trigger and put [opcom1, "removeObjective",camp1] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM in the Init and when I activate the trigger I get an orange box with the error message:

    fx [ALIVE] (mil_OPCOM) Assertion failed!
    Assertione (typeName_args == "STRING") failed!


    obj1 is the variable name I gave the custom objective I wanted removed and opcom1 for the opcom I wanted to remove it from. My scripting knowledge is very basic so I don't understand the error message. I've been able to work through simpler problems with the wiki and trial and error but I'm stuck with this.

    Cheers, Paul


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