Looking for feedback on a showcase mission

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 4 years ago

    Hi @HeroesandvillainsOS, been playing your Tanoa Showcase and it works well and my group wanted a similar campaign style mission on the Anizay map which i also thought was a good idea. small enough for a small team to put some good hours into.

    I started by just copying everything from the Tanoa mission onto the Anizay map and then spent time repositioning all the Blue_F assets and the ALiVE modules, I have the Green Area North West where most of the larger towns are and the green fields so where most of the civilian population would be. Blue_F has the North East area where the Airport is as it's main base and CSAT has the southern area right across the map. I have yet to change any factions or any parameters in the ALiVE modules other than some debugging options for initial testing to see how the factions are spreading across the map.

    The main issue i have at the moment is the fact that the syndikat force shows no hostility to the Blue_F side, you can go dance a jig in the middle of a group of them and the act as if they don't even see you. CSAT are aggressive and attack on sight but i cant work out why the Syndikat show no hostility.

  3. Edited 4 years ago by Lion

    Have changed "relationship" options in the editor? Make sure BLUFOR and IND are hostile to each others.

  4. OMG i totally forgot about the non-ALiVE settings in arma, that's what happens when you have not done something for a couple of years. Thanks for your response.


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