BlackList & Red Zones on maps

  1. 7 years ago

    I might be missing something really easy, but I've followed the tutorials but I still had a case where enemy spawned in a blacklisted area. Since the behavior of enemy spawning is random, it's difficult to see if my "fixes" like removing spaces after commas in the blacklist module line worked. What I didn't expect to see was the all the red grid squares in the blacklist area as well which makes me wonder if my "fixes" aren't doing anything. The mission I wanted was to have a neutral civilian population with a sparsely populated BLUFOR police force fighting a single asymmetrical insurgency force.

    Do asymmetrical forces ignore blacklisted areas?
    How can I get the "Red Squares" in blacklisted areas to not show up? I don't want to misdirect forces to tackle areas that are intended to be firmly secure from the start.

  2. Are you taking about the TRACE squares in the C2ISTAR module? You can turn those off in the module options. FYI, TRACE squares will show up in blacklisted zones. This is nothing you're doing wrong.

  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS Are you taking about the TRACE squares in the C2ISTAR module? You can turn those off in the module options. FYI, TRACE squares will show up in blacklisted zones. This is nothing you're doing wrong.

    Yes, I believe I am referring to the TRACE squares in the C2ISTAR module. I guess I'm still learning the vernacular. Thats kind of disappointing that they show up as potentially hostile in a zone the will never be in (unless they chase you into the zone). Is there a way to only allow the C2ISTAR module to be viewed by interacting with an in game object? (like be within a trigger zone around a computer terminal or map?

  4. No but you can just turn off the TRACE squares. As it stands they don't persist state between sessions anyway so you won't be losing much by just not using them.


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