Edited 6 years ago by Oceans

Hi all, as first ALiVE is amazing, can not stop thinking about all the different missions you can do easy cuz of ALiVE.. But someone pleaase help me, i am sitting since some hours on this BE kick:

Value Restriction #0 "ALiVE_clientIdRequest" = R Alpha 1-1:1 (Oceans) REMOTE

could some one help me, get kicked cuz Value Restriction #0 "ALiVE_clientIdRequest" it want let me join the server: i have addet the filter to "publicvariable.txt" :

7 "" !=ALiVE_clientIdRequest

Still get the same kick massage, not being able to join the server

(what is this filter about? cuz i am running exile server and have done everything like i should to install ALiVE on it.. btw atm without @AliveServer cuz i try as first to become to run ALiVE on Exile.

-mod="@Exile;@CDAH Mod Pack;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@ALiVE;@Spyder_Addons;" -serverMod="@ExileServer;"

My rpt says things like:

23:21:53 OPC DATA [2.5771e+008,"ARMAID","Oceans",true,3]
23:21:53 BE protection kicked in for player id=257710119, name='Oceans', msgType=285
23:21:53 No player found for channel 1802174592 - message ignored


23:21:55 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 257710119
23:21:55 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 257710119 (Oceans)
23:22:03 OPD DATA [2.5771e+008,"ARMAID","Oceans",true,3]
23:22:03 PlayerInfo
23:22:03 PlayerInfo
23:22:12 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found


0:28:46 Server: Object 2:8215 not found (message Type_275)
0:28:48 Unaccessible
0:28:48 Error a1 reading file 'config\\squads\oc's\prug8trmon.paa'
0:28:48 "ExileServer - Player Ocean (ARMAUID ) connected!"
0:28:48 OPC DATA [3.03644e+006,"ARMAID","Oceans",true,3]
0:28:51 BE protection kicked in for player id=3036439, name='Oceans', msgType=10
0:28:51 OPD DATA [3.03644e+006,"ARMAID","Oceans",true,3]
0:28:51 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found
0:28:51 "arma3/BIS_fnc_log: HandleDisconnect : 84952040# 1709295: invisibleman.p3d"

What could this be :( Please any help would be nice. My mission: link text thanks for any help

Edit: tryed to figure it out and changed the filters but still same kick.. What do i miss? Any one please help me, i have never done this before.. I am setting up my first Arma server and stuck on this. No where on google i can find something about this Value Restriction #0 "ALiVE_clientIdRequest" :(