Modules "Live updates during persistent game"

  1. 7 years ago

    Good day all,
    First of all want to say thanks for the awesome mod and looks like from reading the forum everyone is helpful so thx for that.

    My question (Have tried searching the forum):
    After i start an Alive mission and it stores its persistent data (locally) and i edit that mission file without changing the name, i can add and change things, that is fine but what i am trying to figure out is how i can change the amount of simultaneous attacks in the military commanders as well as the amount of placed units. Does it update itself after i restart the server (dedicated) or is there a script that i must run for it to re-role the variables if i can call it that.

    Thanks in advance.

    Fyi its one of the the missions that HeroesandvillainsOS (Well done love the mission dude!) created (see hes quite active on the forum)

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hi! Thanks for playing.

    So if I’m understanding, you want to know three things...

    1. How to increase simultaneous attacks: You can do this by opening the mission in the editor, opening the Military AI Commander modules, and increasing the max simultaneous attacks number.

    2. How to increase units on the battlefield: Open the mission in the editor and open the Military Placement Civilian Objective, and Military Placement Military Objective modules (and also Custom Objective modules if there are any and you wish) and increase the force size drop down.

    3. Will these changes take effect when loading a mission that’s already in-progress?: Unfortunately no. These variables are persistent so you’ll need to start the mission over.

    What mission is this? If you feel the balancing needs a bit of love, I don’t mind making these edits official in whatever mission it is.

  3. Awesome thanks for the quick reply, its Inshallah. The balancing WAS perfect IMO hahaha but i was messing around with the simultaneous attacks and now it seems like the UK is kicking ass (Bumped UK up to 5 and TKM to 4), a bit too much and me and my brother already put in 2 hours and a few restarts as i was playing around with alive. (Was just curious if it would update) i have created quite a few Alive missions before so im starting to get a grasp of the mechanics. I also learnt alot from breaking down some of your missions (Hope thats cool with you) Also is all your alive missions on Steam or is there another place i can find them? Thanks

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    My main goal for making the missions is to have people break them down and use them as an example for making their own so yeah, dissect away and edit it however you’d like.

    Unfortunately it sounds like you’ve passed the point of no return (your side sounds like it basically won lol) so your best bet might be to download the mission fresh (assuming you don’t have it saved somewhere), or start your edits from scratch, and start it over (if you don’t know how I have instructions on my Steam pages).

  5. No problem, have it saved. Thx again.


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