Adding units to AAF help [SOLVED]

  1. 5 years ago

    Hi folks.

    i am attempting to do something that should be quite simple from what i read.

    I have AAF vs NATO. And in the mission i want AAF to use CSAT tanks. I have for testing purposes in ORBAT,followed this guide..

    Create a mixed group with units from CSAT, NATO and FIA just for shits and giggles.
    Using the unit editor, select the faction you wish to change, click new and select a unit type from a different faction.
    Open the group editor and pick the faction and group you want to mess with.
    From the list on the left, select any unit and vehicle from the list and drag them to the group box in the centre. The Side is determined by the Faction, not the Unit.
    Generate the config and paste the results into description.ext
    How very cosmopolitan.

    In an attempt to remove the Kuma tanks(for testing) and replace them with T-100 varsuks in their groups(tank section/tank platoon etc)

    so after using orbat and generating config,i copy that from clipboard,to my mission in questions description.ext is the result....

    When i load into mission,AAF are still spawning KUMA tanks,and there are no T-100s to be found anywhere.

    What am i doing wrong?

    Also if there is an easier way to add tanks to AAF i woud like to know that too.All i wana do with my ALIVE mission is add new vehicles to AAF for specific missions.

    Thanks for any help

  2. SO i got ORBAT working and my custom faction is in editor ready to go.Placing it and all groups down,it works fine.

    The problem i have now is that when ALIVE opcom uses them,they are hostile to each other and fight upon spawning.

  3. For any readers, this was solved on BI forums. The problem ended up being that the IND faction had OPF units manning the vehicles. Making sure they were all IND units fixed the issue.


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