Local DB option please!

  1. 9 years ago


    Show in context Administrator

    OK, im sorry but...

    I for myself put in 4000 hours of my life to have some bigmouth telling me how the world spins?

    whats wrong with you...

  2. Edited 9 years ago by thefinn

    @highhead OK, im sorry but...

    I for myself put in 4000 hours of my life to have some bigmouth telling me how the world spins?

    whats wrong with you...

    There's that entitled rudeness again, that you were so against. Who was rude to whom?

    We already worked out how the world spins apparently summed up by "Whatever." or perhaps as you say "the world is flat" ?

    "Supporting a bunch of local DB's that we have no control over is a lot more difficult for us than supporting a centralised DB that we can interrogate and problem solve. We worked this out the hard way with MSO."

    This was the reason given. Now you call me a bigmouth for refuting obvious bullshit ?

    The entire internet works on the exact basis you can't get working. I've put a lot more than 4000 hours into the internet buddy. And I know damned well if it can be saved remotely, it can be saved locally.

    Refute it if you want. I could really give a shit what a bunch of self entitled forum admins and modders think. Stroke your ego some more and tell us how the world spins.

    At least you're doing what you're good at then.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It is not a question whether having local db as an option is possible, the problem lies in all the work around it. They've got to do code changes, testing, tutorials, and support for everyone who chooses this as an option. Do you really think they wouldn't like to get rid of their monthly charges to host the remote DB? I'm sure they would love to not have to pay $65 a month. It's not as simple as just hitting the "Allow local db" button. There is a lot of work that goes into it and then after that, a whole new wave of people who want help trying to set it up. It's a lot easier for them to provide help and support with a remote db as opposed to everyone having their own local db. As Friznit said, they've experienced this before. You also have to look at the roadmap, they are very hard at work putting together support for a wide array of features that tons of people have requested. They aren't superheros, they aren't getting paid, they have lives of their own to worry about first. Just request it nicely and see where things go. We are lucky enough to have a mod with ALiVE's capabilities already, the least we could do is not harass the devs who give up thousands of hours to make it possible.