Civ Placement issue (map link)

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi. I'm trying to make an asymmetrical warfare map of my own, but I'm having trouble with the Civ Placement module.

    I get this error: "warning no locations found for placement. you need to include locations in your TAOR"

    I've got 2 Civ Placement modules: 1 creates high-pop in towns, the other 1 is medium pop for the AO.

    The high-pop module has the following TAORS (which are markers on the map): TAOR_CIV_CIT_1;TAOR_CIV_CIT_2;TAOR_CIV_CIT_3;TAOR_CIV_CIT_4;TAOR_CIV_CIT_5;TAOR_CIV_CIT_6*
    *Semi-colons I know they should be commas. I had commas, didn't work, so I tried semi-colons.
    Blacklist modules: TAOR_BLK,TAOR_BLK_1,TAOR_BLK_2,TAOR_BLK_3

    The Civ Placement module for the AO has: TAOR_OBJ
    and same Backlists

    Here's a link to the map:

    What is the issue? Is it because I have so many overlapping TAORs? Or can you not use multiple TAORs in Civ Placement modules?

  2. I'm thinking it's because you have two Civ Placement modules. Try using only one Civ Placement module.


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