Last active 8 years ago
If your zombies are standing still you can use the roaming module that comes with zombies.
So do they work with the CQB module also?
Config viewer and double click the following options, CFGgroups - side (west,east,ind etc) - faction - groups will be listed.
Click on the group you want and copy classname :)
You can blacklist groups if you wish if they are too large for insurgency type missions.
["Groupclassname","anothergroup"];" in the init box of alive required module. I used this to blacklist the 8 and 10 man caf_ag taliban.
I've noticed it will not spawn another available group if one of the backlisted groups were chosen to spawn so you might end up with less groups overall in your mission so you can compensate if you wish i suppose.
For faction names go to config viewer - CfgGroups then double click the side (west, east ect) and all the available factions are there.
I use caf simply because they come in 4,6,8 and 10 man groups which in turn is easier to blacklist the 2 larger groups. I always hated seeing 8+ sized groups of taliban who are supposed to be fighting from the shadows blending in. Also they have more civ clothing which makes it a little harder to identify as enemy.
And as pointed out i have alot more friendly factions available to me through leights to keep the bigger towns defended a little so the insurgency doesnt get out of control :)
I want to add call to prayer script and Davidoss's script that deletes tables etc when you destroy a factory eventually.
Here is a mission I created you can try if you like.
The Fighting Season is apon us...
USMC have been deployed to Kunduz to assist Afghan National Army in pushing back the returning Taliban militia. Hearts and minds will win the day so make sure to question and search all fighting aged males while still being thoughtful to their posessions and families etc. Look out for Taliban IEDs, suicide bombers, ied factories, recruitment HQs etc.
2 types of IED in mission....
Pretty big mod list needed :) All the latest versions....
EODS_Release (New version on from Burnes15th)
Leights Opfor
CAF_Aggressors + RHS weapon replacement config
Spyder Addons
RDS Civ vehicle pack
RHS (Both)
Taskforce Radio
Let me know what you think.
Regarding the "Alive_Allah" sound file that is still in the mod :)
How would i go about using that for the suicide bombers instead of "Alive_Beep" or better still have a mixture of both.
@JD_Wang @GhostNI how are you finding the EODS mod?
I was thinking of testing it out in my next mission but as far as I know it still lacks blacklist markers for the random spawning and I'm not a huge fan of random IED's in my FOB.
I remember watching one of Burn's missions with his group and they had tripwire IED's across doorways and I'm pretty sure all their IED's were ACE interactable. I'd like to achieve something similar, but I'm beginning to think they had a zeus placing the doorway tripwire IED's
I like eods, it is running fine. For now i need to use a custom fob off the roads just to stop an ied spawning in there lol. In regards to the tripwires etc u can put in a number in the mines part of the random module and it will spawn vanilla mines etc, all of which are ace interactable.
Love it when i notice sn ied too late and then you hear the cellphone ringtone. Awh FUCK!!!
With regatds to fast roping i managed to get the transport module helo to give me the options to prepare fries and deploy ropes etc. My guy falls of the rope though if anything over 10 meters.
In code section of transport module....
"this call ace_fastroping_fnc_equipFRIES;"