Suicide bombers and Fastroping

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by GhostNI

    Hey guys,
    Im using EODS for my ieds in game but i still want suicide bombers from ALiVE.
    My question is, do i need an ied module synced to the asymmetric commander for this or will it spawn them automatically. I dont want to sync the module and still get ieds as i will be using other gear that wont detect these.

    Second question, has anyone got Ace fastroping working with the transport support module spawned modded helos? Im using RHS helos incase you are wondering.


  2. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Syncing ied module to asymmetric commander makes the commander to control all futures of that module.
    If not synced its works as standalone. It means in both cases you will have bombers running around

  3. Just to add to what Davidoss said you can turn off the mines part and just have the suicide bombers and VBIED's if you'd like. There's three separate drop-downs for the three features of the module within the module.

  4. So i definately need an ied module just for suicide bombers then.
    Yeah i thought just a module not synced with just suicide bombers on and everything else off.

    Reason i was asking is if i turn debug on for asymmetric commander i can see "fnc_suicide" attached to a civ even when there was no ied module?

    Also i cant remember if i had an ied module activated but ive had it were a suicide bombers had the c4 blocks attached to their chest and run toward you but recently since using the module they have the c4 hidden when they raise their arms and beep for detonation.
    I want them to have the c4 visible when they decide to arm it and come at us.

    One more question lol....
    A long while back suicide bombers had an update with "allahu akbar" sound instead of the beep i hear now.
    How do i get that back?
    Im pretty sure the sound is still in there as i think i saw it when creating a radio trigger for a custom sound i had loaded into mission.


  5. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    I want them to have the c4 visible when they decide to arm it and come at us.

    You need to script that in.

    Easiest way would be to put such guys in editor with variable names , run script from its init field,

    example but not complete need to spawn that code and add wait until something:

    _explosives = selectRandom ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo", "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo", "ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo"];
    _expl = _explosives createVehicle (position suicide);
    _expl attachTo [suicide, [0,0.15,0.15],"Pelvis"];
    _expl setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,1,0]];

    and define that guys in ied module

  6. @GhostNI how are you finding the EODS mod?

    I was thinking of testing it out in my next mission but as far as I know it still lacks blacklist markers for the random spawning and I'm not a huge fan of random IED's in my FOB.

    I remember watching one of Burn's missions with his group and they had tripwire IED's across doorways and I'm pretty sure all their IED's were ACE interactable. I'd like to achieve something similar, but I'm beginning to think they had a zeus placing the doorway tripwire IED's

  7. Suicide bombers should have visible explosives on their chest when armed.

  8. Mine dont, they are leights opfor taki civs if that changes anything

  9. Edited 8 years ago by GhostNI

    With regatds to fast roping i managed to get the transport module helo to give me the options to prepare fries and deploy ropes etc. My guy falls of the rope though if anything over 10 meters.
    In code section of transport module....
    "this call ace_fastroping_fnc_equipFRIES;"

  10. @JD_Wang @GhostNI how are you finding the EODS mod?

    I was thinking of testing it out in my next mission but as far as I know it still lacks blacklist markers for the random spawning and I'm not a huge fan of random IED's in my FOB.

    I remember watching one of Burn's missions with his group and they had tripwire IED's across doorways and I'm pretty sure all their IED's were ACE interactable. I'd like to achieve something similar, but I'm beginning to think they had a zeus placing the doorway tripwire IED's

    I like eods, it is running fine. For now i need to use a custom fob off the roads just to stop an ied spawning in there lol. In regards to the tripwires etc u can put in a number in the mines part of the random module and it will spawn vanilla mines etc, all of which are ace interactable.
    Love it when i notice sn ied too late and then you hear the cellphone ringtone. Awh FUCK!!!

  11. Edited 8 years ago by GhostNI

    Regarding the "Alive_Allah" sound file that is still in the mod :)
    How would i go about using that for the suicide bombers instead of "Alive_Beep" or better still have a mixture of both.


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