

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon Oct 30 08:59:44 2017
    R Riksen posted in ALiVE and Heros Survive.

    Thxs Heroes. Hopefully, someone can shed some light into this :)


  2. Wed Oct 25 14:05:20 2017
    R Riksen started the conversation ALiVE and Heros Survive.

    Hey guys,

    I'm trying to use Heros Survive mod (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/191553-heros-survive/ ) with ALiVE and I would like to know how can I save the parameters with persistence using the ability to store an retrieve custom local variables with ALiVE:

    If I run, for example, "["Her_L_Thirst",_value] call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceSave;" will it save Heros thirst values into ALiVE?
    and then place this in the init.sqf:
    _thirstStarted = "Her_L_Thirst" call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceLoad;
    if (isnil "_thirstStarted" || {!_scriptStarted}) then {
    // start script
    ["Her_L_Thirst", true] call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceSave;

    to retrieve the value upon mission start will it work?

    Any help is appreciated ...


  3. 7 years ago
    Sat Jun 17 16:13:26 2017
    R Riksen posted in How to Store Custom Variables?.

    Thank You so much Friznit :)

  4. Sat Jun 17 15:57:59 2017
    R Riksen posted in How to Store Custom Variables?.

    Oh ok ... could elaborate a bit more about the ones for local saving?

  5. Sat Jun 17 15:25:17 2017
    R Riksen started the conversation How to Store Custom Variables?.

    I'm curious about storing custom defined variables with the following code:

    ["key", _value] call ALiVE_fnc_setData
    _value = ["key"] call ALiVE_fnc_getData

    Assuming I created a variable X whose value is 0 .. do I just replace the "key" for "X"?

  6. Sat Jun 17 01:37:26 2017
    R Riksen posted in Mission Templates.

    Thxs Heroes .... damn I have lots of emprty vehicles too. Darn it lol

  7. Sat Jun 17 00:15:30 2017
    R Riksen posted in Mission Templates.

    Do you guys know how I can virtualize a pre-placed unit through its own init? I dont want to synchronize every single one of them with the Virtual Profile module .. that will just make the mission look like a huge mess in the editor.

  8. Sun May 21 15:09:05 2017

    Maybe you have to set up the height? Just a thought as this is the way to do it on the Nimitz ...

  9. Mon May 15 16:18:53 2017
    R Riksen started the conversation Preventing AI Respawn After Mission Restart in SP.

    Hey guys,

    I'm trying the new ALiVE RC and I'm loving it. Amazing job for sure. The addition of a SP mode is surely appreciated but I was wondering if there was a way to prevent player team AI units from respawning after the mission restarts. Yesterday I played a mission in which one of my AI squadmates died but when I reloaded the mission from my last save (a savegame after the unit died) he was there once again. All of the AI in the player's squad are not synchronized with ALiVE so my question is, if I sync them to the virtual profile system, will they remain dead or do I need some kind of script?

    Thxs in advance

  10. Tue May 2 17:23:38 2017

    Srry marcel, I meant Indisus ... lol.

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