

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 15 15:51:53 2016

    That was such a blast! You should post the pic of me after the "IED incident" with the 70 bandages lol

  2. Sun Mar 13 15:17:15 2016
    W Woody05 posted in Vehicle no longer exists (SOLVED).

    All the mods should go in your arma3 root folder. So for me that's
    C:\program files 86\steam\steamapps\common\arma3

    That's where all your @mod folders go:

  3. Sun Mar 13 07:39:42 2016

    Sweet! Now you can put I back up. Love the mission man! Hero and I had a good go of it last night. Took out some insurgents then just before he had to go he went down. Stabilized him but epinephrine wouldn't bring him back up. I guessing you're using advanced ace. So you need a pak right? Do you have it set where everyone can use them?

    In the end I had to load him in the truck and rush him back to base for treatment lol

    The only issue I had was one time I tried to respawn to move to a different base and it said "respawn disabled" had to leave and rejoin. Other than that from what I've seen its a lot of fun!

  4. 9 years ago
    Sat Mar 12 21:37:09 2016

    Hero I will say me and my 2 buddies bought division and its Hella fun! It's a different style of combat from arma. No 1 shot kills. Think borderlands esc but in real world. Beautiful world and graphics. Good story. As social or solo as you want it to be. If y'all want to friend me on up lay let me know.

    That said arma never goes away for me. It's the only game that never leaves my library. ALiVE has only made that love stronger lol

  5. Thu Mar 10 16:03:43 2016
    • * **
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    | ^ |
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    edit: lol....well my symbol blackberry smiley face failed....

  6. Thu Mar 10 15:55:06 2016
    W Woody05 posted in Vehicle no longer exists (SOLVED).


    Based upon that teamleader error I have a question. Do you have any units you have personally placed down? Check through those and make sure you don't have a teamleader that you placed. You should be able to mouse over them and get the class name to pop up. My thought is.

    You made the mission, placed a teamleader down as a playable unit, or somewhere on the map
    RHS updated, and removed the teamleader
    Now when you load your mission it is looking for that soldier class but RHS doesn't have it anymore therefore it doesn't exist.

    Happened to me when I had put down a tall radar from CUP. I tried to play without CUP in my mod list and the mission wouldn't load. Had to go back and figure out what object it was. Deleted it, and the mission ran fine.

  7. Thu Mar 10 06:20:46 2016
    W Woody05 posted in Small group play.

    Any time Viktor.

    Ok so here's the mission in its current state if anyone wants to take a look/give tips.

    The zip has the mission folder to so it can be added to the editor, and the .pbo


    Mods needed

    I tend to add in RHS, 3CB Weapons, and ASR AI for flavor.

    If you really want to have some fun make sure you have ASR AI loaded, head to the city north west of the start airfield. Get past the industrial area to the main city with the apartments. Try to clear the city. Good luck lol!

    Still no briefings or anything. Again my first arma 3 mission ever.

  8. Wed Mar 9 22:21:03 2016
    W Woody05 posted in Small group play.


    I don't believe you can change anything once the mission has started and you are playing (please correct me if I'm wrong guys).

    You have to adjust that in the editor.

    That's where heroe's instructions come in. There is a filter on Military and Civilian objective placement modules. One filter for objective size, and one for objective priority. Play around with them and run the mission with the placement module debug set to "On" so you can see them.

    Good advice I was given was to open a blank version of the map you want. Drop in a military and civilian objective placement module (Don't confuse civilian objective placement with the "Civilian Placement" module. "Civilian Placement" controls actual civilians. The military one controls military units) Change them both from "Place Units" to "Objective Only". Then place a player down and run the mission. It will highlight all of the objectives with their priority and size. Then adjust the filters from there.

  9. Wed Mar 9 19:18:03 2016

    Hey does CAS auto rearm/fuel when landing? I forgot.


  10. Wed Mar 9 19:17:03 2016
    W Woody05 posted in Small group play.

    Correct. I have 2 air trigger and 1 land trigger.

    I'll have to fiddle with it some more.

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