

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sun Apr 30 20:55:13 2017
    G GhostOne posted in Unsung units ALiVE problem.

    Do the UNSUNG maps work with alive?

  2. 8 years ago
    Sun Jan 1 15:17:53 2017
    G GhostOne started the conversation Group vs Group Persistent Mission.

    Hello, for awhile now a group of mine has been discussing hosting a Group vs Group Persistent AliVE mission. In theory both groups or even 3 groups would schedule a time slow once a week. Conduct their own missions they deem necessary. Once the scheduled play session time is up the game is saved and picked back up the following week.

    I was wondering if anyone sees any potential problems, game breakers, save/load issues, for sure mods to not use, ect?

    Opinions on a good "End Game" or "Objective"? Just fight for most squares? Fight for predetermined towns, cities, military installations?

    How many A.I. involved? Reserves/Reinforcements?

    Some other ideas we were tinkering with are 1. A draft of equipment (one team drafts a uniform or camo type), next team drafts weapon platforms or vehicles, ect. 2. Two Conventional Forces & One Insurgent Independent force.

    Pretty open to hearing input, recommendations, or even if your group would be interested in such an event?

    *looking for 2-3 groups that will be capped at about 25-30 players per side per play session.

  3. Sun Dec 25 18:27:17 2016

    hmm, yep thats how I had it set up. Had complete vanilla attire from an Altis civi (but as a blufor unit) but the Opfor would engage me at first sight. Does anyone have a bare bones mission using this so I can double check and see what I might be messing up?

  4. Sun Dec 25 15:57:20 2016

    So if I'm fighting for the blufor side should the playable character be opfor w/ the code pasted into his init?

  5. Fri Dec 23 16:49:35 2016

    Not able to get the independent enemies to shoot at me right when I pull out a weapon as a civi. When I'm trying as blufor they shoot me even unarmed (in civi clothing). Anyone have an example mission file I could use as reference?

  6. Sun Dec 4 14:44:59 2016
    G GhostOne posted in Insurgency Patrol staging area.

    I agree. This should be removed. Why should we stage in an open area that gives no advantage to the mission and if anything gives a disadvantage. Been wondering the same thing myself, not sure why its in alive.

  7. Tue Sep 6 21:52:30 2016

    Actually Takistan appears to be the issue..............anyone else having issues with Takistan?

    I copy and pasted all my alive modules over to Altis and they spawned in fine. Started with a fresh Takistan and copy and pasted the exact modules over to it and alive would spawn nothing.

  8. Tue Sep 6 21:29:34 2016

    Not me on the steam forum.

    I haven't tried it yet on a dedicated but they were not spawning for me just through editor test.

    I will try a few things and see if I can spot something I'm doing incorrect.

  9. Tue Sep 6 19:32:18 2016
    G GhostOne started the conversation LEIGHTS OPFOR or similar opfor pack?.

    Hello, with Project Opfor taking over Leight's Opfor there is a problem. Currently Project Opfor does not seem to be compatible with ALiVE.

    I can't find any old download links to Leights Opfor to use until Project Opfor is usable.

    Anyone have any live links or recommendations to similar mods that provide both Taki fighters and Civilians?

    *Not interested in the CUP mods. Our group would have to download not only the factions but their weapons also.

  10. Sun Jul 31 17:06:22 2016
    G GhostOne started the conversation Mission Addon Dependency?.


    Currently have an ALiVE campaign running for our group. We load up the mission on our scheduled mission night and then log out and continue the next.

    I have a quick question concerning removing vehicles from the mission file via the editor and then also removing an addon (containing those same vehicles). If I do this will there be any problems with the mission loading back up? Like searching for a vehicles classname that is no longer placed in the editor nor addon running on the server?

    Kimi's HMD's recently updated to include RHS's MELBs, allowing us to removed the standalone @MELB addon thus cutting down our mod size slightly. Basically I was going to go into the editor and remove the @MELB birds and replace them with the RHS MELBs (which have different classnames from each other). We plan to do this but wondered if this might give us problems with loading back up our campaign?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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