Mission Addon Dependency?

  1. 7 years ago


    Currently have an ALiVE campaign running for our group. We load up the mission on our scheduled mission night and then log out and continue the next.

    I have a quick question concerning removing vehicles from the mission file via the editor and then also removing an addon (containing those same vehicles). If I do this will there be any problems with the mission loading back up? Like searching for a vehicles classname that is no longer placed in the editor nor addon running on the server?

    Kimi's HMD's recently updated to include RHS's MELBs, allowing us to removed the standalone @MELB addon thus cutting down our mod size slightly. Basically I was going to go into the editor and remove the @MELB birds and replace them with the RHS MELBs (which have different classnames from each other). We plan to do this but wondered if this might give us problems with loading back up our campaign?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I asked a similar question last week and Spyder said to just go ahead and load up the mission. So I'll go out on a limb and say these objects being replaced shouldn't make a difference as far as your War Room persistent saved data is concerned.

    You may want to wait for more clarification on that though. I honestly don't know how thorough the persistent save system is (ex. What kind of objects persist and whether it relies on vehicle classnames, and if it does, what happens if it can't find it, etc).


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