
Last active last year

  1. 3 years ago
    Mon Sep 7 15:43:58 2020
    U USMCWall started the conversation Adding RHS turrets into Orbatron.

    I just want to start off by saying that I have attempted following this video:

    as far as adding the multiple crew positions to vehicles using the Orbatron. It also appears that RHS wasn't the only victim and even some CUP vehicles like the M60 were also only spawning a driver and disabling the other crew positions once they were ported into my custom faction and placed in Eden. I then attempted to make another test faction utilizing only the RHS T80 to try and replicate what Hardman was doing in the video to setup the other turrets. https://pastebin.pl/view/beca7d90 is my config at my attempt at creating the other turret positions for an RHS T80 in the Orbatron, I'm not sure exactly where I've gone wrong, but if anyone has any insight or has experience in this area of the Orbatron, any help would be greatly appreciated. When I try launching with that pbo active I also get the error of file tankstest\autogen.hpp, line 46: .O_RU_TT_T80: Undefined base class 'rhs_t80_OCimport_03

  2. Mon Sep 7 15:30:12 2020
    U USMCWall posted in Dynamic Alive Patrols.

    This is probably a good push in the right direction as to what you want to accomplish. If you want more of a conventional force vs conventional force, just change both commander types to invasion/occupation instead of asymmetric. If you need more resources I pulled that video from here http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Mission_Editing which has several more that may closer resemble what you're trying to accomplish.

  3. 6 years ago
    Fri Jun 15 09:14:17 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.

    Took the folder out of the mission file folder and deleted any instances of calling for the script, no changes in results unfortunately.


    What I really don't understand is the above mission has never had an issue, it works 100% of the time no matter how I try to join it. With/Without auto init, from selection to start, or JIP. I pretty much used the same framework from that one to make the other on Altis. Essentially I was duplicating the mission to a different island.

  4. Thu Jun 14 22:51:50 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.


    Sorry for all the required addons, but https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1392877985 there is the link to the addon collection on steam should you need them. I'm pretty certain it doesn't require anything more than those. Let me know if the mission folder doesn't work for whatever reason.

  5. Thu Jun 14 07:29:59 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.

    Weird and strange are Arma's unique qualities. I tried both ways allowing sqf's and disabling the allowed load extensions line. Neither made any difference, still the same infinite load loop. JIPing still works as usual.

  6. Wed Jun 13 11:20:56 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.

    https://pastebin.com/Gnd85LPR There is my RPT, I finally gave up the loading process after 15 minutes at 7:21 on the timestamps. The last line never went beyond the attempting to override the BISfnc. I'm perplexed as what causes this, because I can turn on auto-init on the server which starts the mission when it is selected, it will load fine, and I can JIP in about 45 seconds. This is also the 4th version of that mission, and each time it will let me load from the mission select without auto init in the first time. After I try to reload the mission it never works again, and I can only JIP. I've been using the auto-init as a workaround for a few weeks now, but if there is any hope of a solution to fixing what is probably an error on my end, please let me know. Thanks.

  7. Thu May 17 06:48:44 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.

    After some testing, I reinstalled the @Aliveserver pack just in case it was corrupted, but my final findings are that it only hangs when I'm loading the mission from the server for the first time. Others were able to jump on and load the mission with no problem. Once the mission was actually running I could JIP without any issues. Has anyone else encountered this?

  8. Wed May 16 22:15:02 2018
    U USMCWall posted in Infinite Load Screen.

    Still no luck, I've noticed that sometimes it does hang when it starts the FSM for the combat support modules, not sure if that's a thing, or just random. New rpt in link.


    I also read in a different thread that roadblocks being enabled was causing issues, is that a possible culprit? I'll try a new mission as well without roadblocks enabled and see if I can get it working.

  9. Wed May 16 13:34:05 2018
    U USMCWall started the conversation Infinite Load Screen.

    I recently created an insurgency for Altis that worked fine for several sessions and then all of the sudden went haywire after minimal tweaks to basically module settings regarding unit sizes.


    RPT file from server above, any help would be greatly appreciated. The only error I can see for myself is something to do with the aliveplugin being missing. It is present in the dedicated servers @Aliveserver folder, which is running on the server as well.

  10. Wed May 16 13:27:24 2018
    U USMCWall joined the forum.