Mission Editing
- 1 Editor Modules
- 2 Tutorials & Videos
- 2.1 Videos
- 2.1.1 Older Videos
- 2.1.2 Simple mission tutorial part 1
- 2.1.3 Simple mission tutorial part 2
- 2.1.4 Simple mission tutorial part 3
- 2.1.5 Simple mission tutorial part 4
- 2.1.6 Simple mission tutorial part 5
- 2.1.7 Simple mission tutorial part 6
- 2.1.8 Simple mission tutorial part 7
- 2.1.9 Simple mission tutorial part 8
- 2.1.10 Simple mission tutorial part 9
- 2.2 Spanish Language Videos
- 2.3 Quick and Dirty Demos
- 2.1 Videos
Editor Modules
A quick overview of the editor modules. See the rest of the wiki for more detailed info and instructions how to use these modules
- ALiVE Required - enables the addon on both client and server and is required for core systems
- ALiVE Database - enables player statistics, AAR and persistent missions (requires a Dedicated Server and sign up to the ALiVE War Room)
- ALiVE Player Options - allows a mission maker to specify View Distance settings, Player Tags, Crew Info and Player Persistence settings (for reconnect and server restart)
- ALiVE Virtual AI System - provides a caching system for AI but continues to simulate them as they conduct their movements and combat across the map
- Civilian Placement - specifies where the civilian population are placed across the map
- Civilian Population - specifies who the civilian population are and their posture towards military forces.
- Military AI Commander - controls a faction across the map and ensures forces are being directed to capture objectives based on its settings.
- Military AI Skill - allows custom skill settings for factions
- Military Close Quarters Battle - provides an appropriate ambient threat in towns, villages and buildings for urban or building clearance operations.
- Military Logistics - allows AI commanders to request and receive resupply via air, land or sea. Requests are fulfilled by in game convoys or airlifts, which can be interdicted by opposition forces.
- Military Placement (Military Objectives) - determines AI force placement for military type buildings and areas on the map or within a specific TAOR.
- Military Placement (Civilian Objectives) - determines AI force placement for civilian type buildings and areas on the map or within a specific TAOR.
- Player Combat Logistics - allows players to request resupply via air, land or sea. Requests are fulfilled by in game convoys or airlifts, which can be interdicted by enemy forces.
- Player Combat Support - allows players to call in CAS, Artillery or Transport, requires othe Player Comnat Support modules for assets
- Player Combat Support (CAS) - allows mission makers to place CAS assets that can be called by Player Combat Support
- Player Combat Support (Transport) - allows mission makers to place Transport assets that can be called by Player Combat Support
- Player Combat Support (Artillery) - allows mission makers to place Artillery assets that can be called by Player Combat Support
- Player Command and Control (C2ISTAR) - allows players to send tasks to player groups or receive tasks from AI commanders. Also allows players to submit reports such as SITREP and PATROLREP in game and to the War Room.
- Player Logistics (Disable) - disables the ability of players to load, unload, tow, untow and assets in game (for FOB building or basic logistics handling)
- Player Multispawn - allows a mission maker to establish respawn points based on squad, a building, vehicle or even helicopter re-insertion.
Tutorials & Videos
Note: Due to the changing nature of ALiVE during the development process, videos of the modules shown may not be up to date but the underlying principles remain the same.
Older Videos
Download the tutorial missions and follow along with the videos.
Simple mission tutorial part 1
The first episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Profile System module.
Simple mission tutorial part 2
The second episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Profile System module continued and the Military Placement module.
Simple mission tutorial part 3
The third episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Military placement module continued.
Simple mission tutorial part 4
The forth episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The OPCOM module.
Simple mission tutorial part 5
The fifth episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Civilian Placement module.
Simple mission tutorial part 6
The sixth episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The CQB module.
Simple mission tutorial part 7
The seventh episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Combat Support modules.
Simple mission tutorial part 8
The eighth episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: The Military Intelligence, Military Sector Display, and Player Sector Display modules.
Simple mission tutorial part 9
The ninth episode in a series of videos showing you how to use the ALiVE modules to create a simple mission.
In this episode: AI Skill, Crew Info, Dynamic Weather, Garbage collector, Player Tags and the View Settings modules.
Spanish Language Videos
Sanchez_ESUS informed us on the ALiVE forum that he has created a number of Spanish language video tutorials - many thanks!
Visit his Youtube channel here
Quick and Dirty Demos
Oktyabr's insurgency mission using custom factions on CLAfghan
Friznit's Over Nine Thousand profiles demo on Reshmaan