Last active 3 years ago
I put
64800 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS
in the init.sqf and I think it works lol.
One sort of odd thing is that if the Combat Support vehicles are used for transporting items the vehicle without crew seems to save where it landed last. I tried putting
this setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];
in its init to disable it from being apart of the R3F logistics system but it doesnt seem to disable it.
Oh yea I can confirm Vcom runs fine but the aircraft is the only weird thing I notice. Theyll randomly take off and fly west, sometimes when on tasking theyll start flying as high as they can. Sometimes they derp out and go to the wrong location. Sometimes they wont RTB, etc
Thanks that seems to have worked perfectly!
Hmm Ive been using local saves and its been working like a charm. Are you logged in as admin when you save and exit?
I was just going to say I have the same issues, I just used ACE locking system to keep them from jumping in our vehicles but helicopters still fly away randomly, tell them to rtb and it says that they are but they go off in the middle of nowhere and hover, and stuff like that. I tried it with/without
[{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
but seems that it still happens?
Yup I double checked and just have the one. As soon as I remove the name the error goes away though. I also just launched CBA/ALiVE/R3F and made a mission on Stratis with the same error.
Thanks! Yea thats what I ended up doing as well, one odd thing is that I synced all our vehicles to the ace lock module but all vehicles seem to be locked regardless if they are synced to the module or not?