Last active 9 years ago
thanks for the fast reply, one more thing if you get time to answer.. does the ai alive skill module override the server difficulty setting, we want to have a realistic ai but enforce 1st person for players
Hey this is just a simple request for info really, how does the gather intelligence option with civilians options work, ive noticed it isnt always there. does it populate the map with this information.. atm i have display map intel on the istar mod switched of to stop it randomly generating information players havnt learned in game, just wondering really if this stops the gather intel option if it does work as i think
thanks for the help its appreciated
so im doing an insurgancy mission am i right then that i have my ins synced to ied, cqb - placements + blu_f placements ?
hate to exhaust this topic so i apologise just wondering when creating a scenario do i sync the commanders to enemy positions or just the enemy commander?
and also since im using chernarus with majority civ spawn locations i have taor set up to stop blu and ins spawning next to each other but ive read that this will restrict what the commanders do , is this true ?
ok im beggining to understand now, i apoligise for the hassle im looking at building a mission with insurgancy style play, atm i have my friendly ai set to occupation and the 2 commanders synced to each other,,, im looking for the sort of scenario where blue for are occupying and patrolling areas and the insurgancy hassle them any suggestions of a particular set up
so it automatically virtualises the placement modules ? and also ref asymetric commander does he need to be synced to the enemys placements
and also am i reading it right that insurgents shoudnt be synced to virtual ai