Last active 8 years ago
Have been looking for this type of functionality for my missions for some time. Thanks for you your efforts.
Does this work with factions?
Still spawning csat helis
Updated version:
just for supports or all instances?
- supples, transport, containers, etc?
Still no worky
As in:
ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks =
//Call task reduction
ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];
//Call Specify Heli Logistics
ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
[ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports, "EAST", ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F","O_Truck_02_box_F","O_Truck_02_fuel_F","O_Truck_02_medical_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F".......etc
I typically do this too
Where does the close bracket go?
quick question with this code, I am reducing the available tasks in the staticdata, should " ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"]"be seperated by a semicolon from the logistics scripting? re:
waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];
ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
[ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports, "EAST", ["O_Truck_02_Ammo_F","O_Truck_02_box_F","O_Truck_02_fuel_F","O_Truck_02_medical_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F".......etc
I have.
here's the modified staticdata:
I have since noticed that in player logistic I had not set allow airdrops. So this behavior may relate to the heli's being defined in the logistics module and not in the player logistic module hence the behavior in the image.
I should note that it was doing this before altering the staticdata