Last active 9 years ago
Hello again,
Just another sort of inquest really. Recently the Iraqi Syrian Conflict pack was updated and since it supports alive I was planning to use it. There weren't many notable changes to units other than an MRAP being added to the Peshmerga faction. Just wondering if the pack would still be good to use or if I have to use an older version. I would test myself but I'm at work at the moment so I thought it best to ask those with expertise and knowledge.
Hello folks,
So I'm a fairly new to these forums and using ALiVE as a whole. With the most recent ALiVE update it was stated that the Al Rayak map had undergone a preliminary, but not complete index. So I was wondering if anybody here had used the map with ALiVE recently and had anymore knowledge on whether it is usable for mission making.
To help I was planning on creating a mission that had an Opfor and blufor convention army fighting in the territory and then use an independent faction with the asymmetric commander to simulate a rebel group that would harass one or both sides.
So again the question is that is Al Rayak in a state that it can be used for this sort of mission or should I hold off until a full index has been completed by the Dev team?
Any extra info would be great. Thanks!