

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Sun Aug 4 08:37:25 2019

    OMG i totally forgot about the non-ALiVE settings in arma, that's what happens when you have not done something for a couple of years. Thanks for your response.

  2. Sat Aug 3 16:27:22 2019

    Hi @HeroesandvillainsOS, been playing your Tanoa Showcase and it works well and my group wanted a similar campaign style mission on the Anizay map which i also thought was a good idea. small enough for a small team to put some good hours into.

    I started by just copying everything from the Tanoa mission onto the Anizay map and then spent time repositioning all the Blue_F assets and the ALiVE modules, I have the Green Area North West where most of the larger towns are and the green fields so where most of the civilian population would be. Blue_F has the North East area where the Airport is as it's main base and CSAT has the southern area right across the map. I have yet to change any factions or any parameters in the ALiVE modules other than some debugging options for initial testing to see how the factions are spreading across the map.

    The main issue i have at the moment is the fact that the syndikat force shows no hostility to the Blue_F side, you can go dance a jig in the middle of a group of them and the act as if they don't even see you. CSAT are aggressive and attack on sight but i cant work out why the Syndikat show no hostility.

  3. Fri Aug 2 17:59:49 2019
    Ian-C started the conversation CAS with planes.

    Hi i have been re-looking at ALiVE after a couple of years away and i am trying to use a default A-164 Wipeout (A10) to do bombing runs which works great using the laser designator. the problem i'm still having is getting them to land to refuel and rearm my first test i started the plane just off the side of the taxi-way infront of the sheds at the southern airport in Takistan. started well taxied and took off completed mission. When i ordered it to RTB it landed fine but then just circled the taxi-way and took off again.

    Second try i moved the spawn point to the grass between the runway and taxi-way but this time it just stopped on the runway once it landed, this of course is not acceptable as it would create issues with other planes.

    What is the best way to use planes with the ALiVE CAS system so they are not a hinderance and can be relied on for missions?

  4. 6 years ago
    Wed May 24 08:29:16 2017

    Thanks guys

    I have changed the script as follows as it only seemed to work when testing from the editor, when on the dedicated server the script didn't work but the new script is working...

    	_profilesBySide = [ALiVE_profileHandler,"profilesBySide"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    	_profilesBySide = _profilesBySide select 2;
    	_profileEAST = count (_profilesBySide select 0);
    	_profileWEST = count (_profilesBySide select 1);
    	_profileIND = count (_profilesBySide select 2);
    	_profileCIV = count (_profilesBySide select 3);
    	hint format ["OPFOR: %1 \n BLUFOR: %2 \n IND: %3 \n CIVILIAN: %4", _profileEAST, _profileWEST, _profileIND, _profileCIV];

    As you can see i have included a Civilian count but i am unsure if this should work as I'm guessing that select 3 would be the correct element of the array or even if the Civilian count is performed by the function. Is there a correct way if any to count Civilian profiles?

    I'm working on an Asymmetric mission on the Lythium map and seem to be encountering really low levels of Civilian population hence the requirement to count Civilian profiles, especially as civilians play an important role in the asymmetric mission format.

  5. Tue May 23 08:20:35 2017
    Ian-C started the conversation Script Faction And Functions.

    Hi All

    Anyone here know how i would get the active profiles count for the independent faction. I'm using the following script to count the profiles for balancing purposes but it wont count the independents...

    _profilesWest = count ([ALiVE_profileHandler, "getProfilesBySide", "WEST"] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler);
    _profilesEast = count ([ALiVE_profileHandler, "getProfilesBySide", "EAST"] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler);
    _profilesInd = count ([ALiVE_profileHandler, "getProfilesBySide", "INDEPENDENT"] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler);
    hint format ["Active Profiles \n West: %1 \n East: %2 \n Independent %3", _profilesWest, _profilesEast, _profilesInd];

    It works for EAST and WEST but i get the following error for independent...

    9:12:39 Error in expression <dent %3", _profilesWest, _profilesEast, _profilesInd];
     9:12:39   Error position: <_profilesInd];
     9:12:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: _profilesind
     9:12:39 File C:\Users\ic\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Ian-C\missions\ALiVE_Lythium_NT.lythium\ProfileCount.sqf, line 5

    I have tried several abbreviations for independent like IND, INDE but with no success.

    Also while i'm here is there anywhere where i can find information about scripting functions related to ALiVE?


  6. 7 years ago
    Fri Apr 28 09:27:58 2017
    Ian-C started the conversation New Lythium Map.

    Hi all

    Any idea if anyone is indexing the Lythium map for ALiVE as it's looking like an excellent map for taliban/iss type scenarios.

    I have looked at the wiki regarding indexing and it's way over my head so out of the running.

    Looking forward to being able to use this map with ALiVE missions and campaigns.

  7. Fri Apr 21 19:45:44 2017

    Hi All

    I have spent a couple of days playing with the script named in the title and from what i have seen works well to spawn in groups for the AI Commander but i have noticed that the AI Commander dose not seem to use the groups beyond their initial way-point. After spawning in they track towards their way-point and once reached they just seem to stand there no matter what dire straights the AI Commander is in he never seems to issue them any further orders.

    Are these groups automatically placed under command of the AI Commander and if not how would i make it so?

    link to script page to save double posting

  8. Fri Apr 21 19:16:28 2017

    Sangin i have found is practicality useless if using AI, they just get stuck everywhere. There seems to be invisible objects the AI cant path through and even the low stone walls give them major pathing problems. Lots of the building will allow the AI to enter but never leave, I have spent hours backing vehicles up to doors trying to get the AI to enter the vehicle and rescue them from buildings. All very unfortunate as it's a gorgeous looking map with some interesting tactical situations available.

  9. Wed Apr 12 14:36:16 2017
    Ian-C started the conversation Militia and logistics.

    Hi all

    I have a mission on Sangin with British forces against the cup militia and have the militia as an occupying force and the British as an invasion force. what i want to know is how to stop the militia from having para drops of troops and vehicles, i wan't them to have some limited reinforcements but not by air drop.

    I have the Militia AI Commander set with seldom reinforcements, which states it needs the Military Logistics Module which i have placed and synced to the AI Commander. The logistics module is set to allow only infantry with a dynamic type but there is no way to set no air transport assets so in the mission it seems like isis/taliban have large military transport planes to drop in troops and military trucks.

    I really only want the militia to get reinforcements from the local civilian population and not having the large para drops. Whats the best way to set-up so the militia get their reinforcements from the civ population as i don't want the militia to run out of troops too quickly as it's meant to be an ongoing mission.

  10. Mon Apr 10 20:43:22 2017

    Same here not setting up our group on the war room as it seems like they won't let us use names that we have been using for years, you would think that in this day and age things like spaces, hyphens and underscores would be allowed. we cant even have our official group name as it uses a hyphen same as our website and everywhere else it's used including our server name.

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