

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Jun 24 18:51:08 2017
    S ski2060 posted in Military Air Component Commander.

    @AUTigerGrad Need to post up a video of your shenanigans. One of my unit mates was telling me about watching your stream and it seemed glorious.

    I'll try to grab the Dev build and try out your mission when I get home from work if possible.

  2. Tue Apr 18 04:20:08 2017

    Beketov fits the bill! Also Orshanets. Not sure Orshanets is indexed though.

    Esseker possibly?

  3. 8 years ago
    Sat Feb 25 18:10:38 2017

    Well shoot.. that sucks. Thanks for that link to previous versions. Guess no AliVE missions on my server for the next week :(

  4. Fri Feb 24 00:38:25 2017

    It's very bright sunlight from the new Visual settings. It causes it to look washed out.

  5. Thu Jan 26 05:04:13 2017
    S ski2060 posted in N'Ziwasogo Mission request.

    @incontinenetia Sorry, been busy last few days with life stuffs. I'll ask ATV about sharing his mission.
    I don't think he would care.
    His stuff is not ALiVE based though. He likes to use Zenophon and Enigma's scripting frameworks for all of his missions.
    It wouldn't be hard to add ALiVE to run stuff in the background though if you like the storyline and missions of the main line.

  6. Fri Jan 6 15:27:58 2017
    S ski2060 posted in ALiVE 1.2.7 Released.

    Ahhhh1!! Nice stuff you guys have in there! I'm just waiting for the STEAM version to hit, and getting the new Server Dll now. Hope BIS updates to 64bit for release soon.

    I am very intrigued by the Real Weather™ stuff you guys put in there.

    I also saw a fix for Sabotage mission and indestructible buildings. Is that fix extended to IED/REcruitment buildings for ASYM campaigns? Particularly on Tanoa as it's impossible to play an ASYM campaign on there right now.

  7. Wed Jan 4 23:48:31 2017

    Thanks. Going to have one of them zip up their mission and send it to me. I'll send you a DL link in PM.
    It probably has to do with their use of Zenophon and Enigmas scripting, as both of those use a ton of scripts.

    My simple mission using your old code works just fine (pre backpack specification code).

  8. Wed Jan 4 22:19:14 2017

    OK, got an error that they are receiving:

    8:439 Error in expression <overUnit,_regEnySide,_asymEnySide] call INCON_fnc_undercoverDetect;

    sleep 2;

    8:439 Error position: <INCON_fnc_undercoverDetect;

    sleep 2;

    8:439 Error Undefined variable in expression: incon_fnc_undercoverdetect
    8:439 File C:\Users\AccuracyThruVolume\Documents\Arma 3\missions\16th_African_WetWork_ep1.pja305\INCON\INC_undercover\undercoverHandler.sqf, line 53
    8:439 "Advanced Towing Loading..."
    8:439 "Advanced Towing Loaded"
    8:439 "Advanced Sling Loading Loading..."
    8:439 "Advanced Sling Loading Loaded"
    8:43:16 Error in expression <ect;

    sleep 2;

    [_undercoverUnit] call INCON_fnc_undercoverArmedTracker;

    8:43:16 Error position: <INCON_fnc_undercoverArmedTracker;

    8:43:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: incon_fnc_undercoverarmedtracker
    8:43:16 File C:\Users\AccuracyThruVolume\Documents\Arma 3\missions\

  9. Wed Jan 4 20:55:23 2017

    So 2 of my unit mates are working on missions and having issues with the UC scripts.
    Ony is having IndFor refuse to recognize them as enemies and the other is having OpFor OpFor discover them immediately regardless of what they are wearing as civilian garb.

    I have an older version of the script that is working and running in a Zeus template. But they are both using the newest version of the script you have on GitHub.
    I'll see if I can get them to relay me some screenshots or at least the debug error messages they are receiving.

  10. Fri Dec 30 19:35:47 2016
    S ski2060 posted in Map Index humble request.

    I have not tried it out with 64 bit. It would help immensely I am sure though.

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