

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Jan 30 22:32:47 2017
    P patpowercat posted in Seized By Trigger .

    I understand this would basically substitute a present trigger, but couldn't you have both west and east profiles in an area (fighting)?

    Additionally, for the sides: is it EAST, WEST, and GUER, or is GUER "independent"?

    Could you have a trigger with this in the condition:

    this OR ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 50, ["GUER","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0);

    Would this trigger with seized by or if profiles were in the area (eg seized by OPCOM)?

  2. Mon Jan 30 22:04:18 2017
    P patpowercat started the conversation Seized By Trigger .

    Just to confirm: A seized by trigger will not fire with just profiles in the area correct? For example if I am on one side of map and BLUFOR takes an objective on the other side (and are thus just profiles) they will not fire a seized by trigger, even though BLUFOR has (as far as ALIVE is concerned) seized the area; this is correct?

  3. Mon Jan 30 16:36:40 2017
    P patpowercat posted in VCom and ALiVE.
    {_x setvariable ["NOAI",true];_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",true];} foreach (Crew this);

    I know this is the recommended way of making VCOM not work on a unit/vehicle. However, if I put this in the code spot for ALiVE combat supports I get the following error:

     8:27:13 Error in expression <_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",tr>
     8:27:13   Error position: <_x setvariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",tr>
     8:27:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x

    I have also tried using _this instead of this in the code, same result. For normal editor placed units it seems to function, so this seems to be specific to the ALiVE modules. Anyone have this or able to reproduce it?

  4. Sun Jan 22 14:57:43 2017
    P patpowercat posted in VCom and ALiVE.


  5. Sun Jan 22 04:38:29 2017
    P patpowercat posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    No that's where I copied it from, was just wondering if anyone else had this problem. See if I can get some information from him.

  6. Sun Jan 22 01:51:22 2017
    P patpowercat posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    So I've posted that in my init.sqf, and I get an error.

    If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
     8:26:35   Error position: <[
    If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
     8:26:35   Error Generic error in expression

    Anyone else ever get this? I posted over at BIS forums but Genesis hasn't replied yet.

  7. Fri Jan 20 04:37:52 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    Ok, so I did that. What I mean is, I make one mod with a new faction in it (export full faction into autogen.hpp and export CfgPatches into that file), then I build the PBO. I do the same with another faction, same method.

    Each of these will load fine on their own into Arma. However if I load both, only the last loaded shows up. Can I paste multiple factions into a single autogen.hpp and CfgPatches? For example copy paste faction A, then paste faction B below it?

  8. Fri Jan 20 01:29:33 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    So I was able to make some factions with just deleting the certain vehicles that were causing the problems, and individually, the factions work in the editor and Alive. However, if I load two or more factions, only one appears in the editor. Is this normal? Is it something to do with CfgPatches?

  9. Thu Jan 19 18:32:53 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    So I have figured out a workaround. It's definitely a problem with copying factions. If you find what vehicle is giving the error, delete it in the ORBAT and then re-add it manually, it works.

  10. Thu Jan 19 18:31:13 2017

    This worked, thanks a ton! Great work by the way

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