Last active 7 years ago
Okey, so I've removed whole mission and remade it without Alive data module. The game loads a bit faster now
Here is the new RPT file - Is everything here allright?!AtgSXwqL2HVLkhDJDgVT93JF69Co
Again thanks a lot for the help!
Okey I will try that.
Here is the whole RPT file!AtgSXwqL2HVLkg-zjhrce2czlCww
13:49:13 ALiVE Global INIT
13:49:13 ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
13:49:13 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
13:49:13 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:14 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT
13:49:14 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:14 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_2|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT
13:49:14 "FlexiMenu ADD: ALiVE_ui_display"
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_2|41] Module ALiVE_sys_newsfeed INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_3|42] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT
13:49:14 "FlexiMenu ADD: ALiVE_ui_display"
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_3|42] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.000999451
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_4|43] Module ALiVE_SYS_spotrep INIT
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_5|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT
13:49:14 DATA: Loading marker data.
13:49:14 ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
13:49:14 ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
13:49:14 ALiVE [m_6|45] Module ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS INIT
13:49:15 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:15 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:15 Script 'x\alive\addons\main\static\altis_staticData.sqf' not found
13:49:15 ALiVE SETTING UP MAP: Altis
13:49:15 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:15 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:15 ALiVE [m_7|60] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT
13:49:15 ALiVE MAP BOUNDS: 30720
13:49:16 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:21 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:21 ALiVE [m_7|60] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT COMPLETE TIME: 5.148
13:49:21 ALiVE [m_8|70] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_population INIT
13:49:21 ALiVE [m_8|70] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_population INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0059967
13:49:21 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:21 ALiVE [m_9|80] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_placement INIT
13:49:21 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:28 Mission id: 2d87aba9f35757bae8b0a9ac0eeba3e32e73a6e0
13:49:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:28 ALiVE [m_10|120] Module ALiVE_mil_cqb INIT
13:49:28 ALiVE CQB Houses loaded from map!
13:49:35 Fresnel n must be >0, given n=0,k=10
13:49:36 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
13:49:36 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
13:49:36 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
13:49:36 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
13:49:36 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
13:49:36 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
13:49:36 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
13:49:36 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
13:49:41 ALiVE [m_11|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT
13:49:41 ALiVE [m_12|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT
13:49:41 ALiVE [m_13|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT
13:49:41 ALiVE [m_14|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT
13:49:41 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:42 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:42 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 170.141764. The server is running version: 170.141838. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
13:49:43 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:45 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:45 ALiVE [m_9|80] Module ALiVE_amb_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 24.094
13:49:45 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:46 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:46 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 170.141764. The server is running version: 170.141838. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
13:49:46 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:46 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:46 ALIVE MP - HQ building selected: 1e4b7c06b00# 580562: cargo_tower_v1_f.p3d
13:49:46 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:46 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Military/FieldHQMedium/FieldHQ_OPF_F,[8460.47,18119.5,0],0,"rhs_faction_vdv"]
13:49:46 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:47 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:47 ALiVE [m_13|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 6.642
13:49:47 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:48 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:48 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 170.141764. The server is running version: 170.141838. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
13:49:48 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:48 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:48 ALIVE MP - HQ building selected: 1e63a603580# 444542: cargo_tower_v1_f.p3d
13:49:48 Spawning Composition: [bin\config.bin/CfgGroups/Empty/Guerrilla/FieldHQMedium/CargoHouseHQ2_BLU_G_F,[13809.8,18901.4,0],0,"rhs_faction_insurgents"]
13:49:48 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:49 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:49 ALiVE [m_12|90] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 8.028
13:49:49 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 170.141764. The server is running version: 170.141838. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
13:49:49 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:49 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:49 [28462,149.064,0,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=Russian%20Intervention, missionVersion=53, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=true, didJIP=false"]
13:49:49 [28462,149.088,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, alive_main=, "]
13:49:49 [28462,149.155,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."]
13:49:49 ALiVE [m_11|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 8.474
13:49:49 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:49:49 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 170.141764. The server is running version: 170.141838. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
13:49:49 ALiVE [m_14|100] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME: 8.614
13:49:49 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_10|120] Module ALiVE_mil_cqb INIT COMPLETE TIME: 238.098
13:53:26 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_15|150] Module ALiVE_MIL_C2ISTAR INIT
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_16|170] Module ALiVE_SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY INIT
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_17|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT
13:53:26 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
13:53:26 ALiVE OPCOM created 7 new objectives!
13:53:26 ALiVE OPCOM EAST Initial analysis done...
13:53:26 OPCOM and TACOM EAST starting...
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_17|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0639954
13:53:26 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:26 ALiVE [m_18|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT
13:53:26 ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System...
13:53:26 ALiVE OPCOM created 7 new objectives!
13:53:27 ALiVE OPCOM GUER Initial analysis done...
13:53:27 OPCOM and TACOM GUER starting...
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_18|180] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0899963
13:53:27 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_1|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT COMPLETE TIME: 252.154
13:53:27 ALiVE Global INIT COMPLETE
13:53:27 ALiVE Global Init Timer Complete 253.24
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_19|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_20|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_21|151] Module ALiVE_SYS_sitrep INIT
13:53:27 ALiVE [m_22|152] Module ALiVE_SYS_patrolrep INIT
13:53:27 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:27 ALIVE AI Distributor exiting, no headless clients [] or not server false
13:53:27 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:28 ALiVE [m_5|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT COMPLETE TIME: 253.767
13:53:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:28 Registering Advanced Marker controls for O Alpha 1-1:1 (Maciej) on map screen.
13:53:28 Registered controls for PLAYER on map screen: O Alpha 1-1:1 (Maciej)
13:53:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:28 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:29 Loading movesType CfgMovesSnakes_F
13:53:29 Reading cached action map data
13:53:29 MovesType CfgMovesSnakes_F load time 21 ms
13:53:29 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:29 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:29 No speaker given for Yu Tan
13:53:29 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:29 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:29 "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..."
13:53:30 DATA: Waiting for global DISABLED variable...
13:53:30 No speaker given for Shaan Okoye
The map is altis
@HeroesandvillainsOS Can you post your rpt file here after making an attempt to let the mission load please? Under users/appdata/local/low/Arma 3
In there you'll see a rpt file timestamped from when you launched the game.
You also may want to replace RHS temporarily with vanilla factions and assets (and without any additional mods) to see if the problem goes away.
Could you explain me a bit more thoroughly where I can find the rpt file - thank you on beforehand!
First of all - Thanks for great mod for ArmA 3. It's awesome.
I ran into an problem when creating a mission. I get incredibly long loading time for my self made SP mission.
It's a basic scenario with two TAORS one side is invading from an small TAOR, the other is occupying bigger area.
Both sides have Military logistics, military placements and civilian placements, force seize is company 100 on each military and civilian placement.Got civilian population within both TAORS and medium ambient vehicles. Both sides have medium roadblocks and medium ambient vehicles as well. Player logistic ls is enabled and C2ISTAR module is set.
The mission runs with RHS Armed Forces of Russian Federation on Altis.
I've remade this mission as I lost a similar mission by mistake. The previous worked fine when it went down to loading but as for this one loading time is very long.
I'd be very thankful for any help regarding this problem - what can be the possible cause ? I've searched around forum and tried all tricks but nothing seems to work.
Again thanks for great mod!