Last active 7 years ago
@SpyderBlack723 Make sure you are..
- Only using one faction in each placement module
- Not including spaces before or after the faction names
The ORBAT Creator shows groups, some CUP factions don't have any groups configured, which is why they appear empty in the faction editor.
Ok thanks! also on my current mission I am building, I am not using any AI Commander modules just IED , CQB, and CIV modules. on my last one I just did like this on the new Malden and I used Sydkit on the CQB and standard CIV on the CIV modules and it worked just fine but on the one I am currently building on Zagrbad I am trying to use CUP_O_TK_MILITIA - "Takistani Militia" on the CQB and CUP_C_TK - "Civilians (Takistan)" on the CIV module. On CIV side it tells that there is nowhere in my TAOR (and it covers the whole main city) to place them but it will place any Stock Arma faction no problem and on the CQB side it tells me to make sure CUP_O_TK_MILITIA is a defined Faction i.e. men, cars, planes etc. etc. Am I doing something wrong hear too or what?
hey guys I am having an issue with most CUP Factions. ALiVE will recognize all the factions but it wont recognize most if not all the Units and Classes. So I went in to ORBAT thinking an update or something messed the compatibly but there was nothing under incompatibly tab. So I decide to check the compatibly tab and most of the CUP show all there units but a few show none at all, like it an empty faction but I have checked in game and all assets are there. Does anybody know what's going on here? When I make an ALiVE mission with any of the CUP Factions it tells me to make sure the faction is supported.