

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed Dec 20 16:50:18 2017
    W wormydowg started the conversation Adding Zues Points on task completion?.

    Hey can some one help me with a way to reward zues points by completing tasks?

    Apparently turning arma 3 into an RTS is really easy. All you do is plop a restricted zone for zues to spawn things in, Add costs to objects and wala, You can control your units outside the restricted zones and stuff turning the game into a better Men of War.

    The only issue is, how do i make completing alive tasks with the C2Star give you zues points?
    Also has anyone else worked with zues + alive, making arma 3 into an effective RTS?

    I saw another thread that talked about it, here. Ngl it confused the hell out of me. I know enough of scripting to get by, but its been awhile.

  2. Sun Jul 30 15:18:30 2017

    You are right, ummm..... so like i decided to wait and see what my plane does... And the pilot landed, got out, and then decided to repeatedly shoot me..... even though we are on the same team?!? oh, Thats what that west part does in my code....... Lol thank you for your fine time.

  3. Sun Jul 30 14:56:16 2017

    But my plane worked fine before i put in ai commanders? and now my plane is always trying to land.

  4. Sun Jul 30 09:08:17 2017
    W wormydowg started the conversation setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true]; help.

    I need help with using the _vehicle setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true]; line of code.

    airDropVehicle = createVehicle ["LIB_C47_skytrain", getMarkerPos "insrt", [], 0, "FLY"];
    publicVariable "airDropVehicle"; // send this variable to all computers

    _grp = creategroup west;
    _crw = "LIB_US_pilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "insrt",_grp];
    {_x moveinDriver airDropVehicle} foreach units _grp;

    Thats how im spawning a plane.

    what doesn't work.
    airDropVehicle setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];
    _grp setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];
    _crw setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];
    {_x setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];} foreach units _grp;


  5. Sat Jul 22 02:51:35 2017
    W wormydowg started the conversation Multiple Factions for Logistics.

    How do i combine factions or add multiple factions to the Player Combat Logistics Selection? I am making a world war 2 mission and i don't want people being able to spawning weapons from the regular arma 3 assets.

  6. Sat Jul 22 02:46:54 2017
    W wormydowg joined the forum.